Birth of a startup: Happy 8th Birthday,

Post date: Aug 10, 2015 4:27:32 AM

From the desk of the Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc;A few years back I thought my life was over until I turned hurt and pain into a passion and a purpose. With no clear sense of direction, I had to search within to begin the healing process. As I began to search within myself for answers and direction, I began to think the best thing that I could do at that point in time was to work my way through the hurt and pain. After weeks, and months of figuring out how to revive my life, I chose to design a website. At the time, I had very little web design skills, however, with Yahoo Site Builder I had up, posted, and visible to the public within a few days. First, I must tell you _ that before I could design a web site, I had to evaluate and mentally go through the thirty-five years I’d lived on this earth to produce material for the website. During the evaluation process, I had to ask myself some really hard question, _ questions that at the time I really didn’t want to answer for fear of the answer. In the process I learned some life’s toughest lessons; for instance, first lesson (1) So a man thinketh; So he is(if you can believe it than you can conceive it) Second lesson (2) I can’t control the actions of other but I can’t control how I react . Third lesson (3) Live each day to the fullest. Fourth lesson (4) Be responsible for your life, (if you don’t take control of your life some else will take control of it for you), Fifth lesson (5)In life you only get one dress rehearsal (put your best foot forward and dress to impress for success.)Sixth Lesson (6) Showing up for life is ½ the battle (wakeup each day and do something ,do the one thing that you can do.)or actions and steps to reach your goal .The Seventh lesson(7) Be the best you and most of all work at being the best at whatever you chose to pursue in life.

Today, the passion and purpose that drove me to create continues to grow and evolve. Most importantly, I am proud of the work I’ve accomplished, but I’m not ready to stop at, I want to continue to improve and make the website better for readers and visitors. Since the inception of the website in 2006, Ive changed the web design several times as well as update the information posted. From the creation of ,I birthed a startup, which Ive linked to for ease of access that allows followers, members, readers, and sponsors to visit both sites with little interruption. On the 8th birthday of, I elated and proud of the progress of the website;at the same time, I'm somewhat a little awed (whammed) that it has been 8 years,and I look forward to working on the websites for several more years..

The best advice that I could give anyone dealing with hurt and pain is to find a purpose stick with it and from there begin to heal. Most all ,it is important to know that it is never too late to begin the healing process. Ten years later, out of hurt and pain that I lived through in my late twenties and beginning thirties, I found a passion and a purpose that has produced two books(What’s With All That Stuff, cacjohnson “A Shopper’s Guide to Better Shopping” and Savor the Flavor Get Twice The Luv(Editor Notes and Various Blogs),a blog A Day & Life of A Consumer Affairs Consultant Sales and Service Manager (My life as a consumer including shopping habits before and after college) , a website, in 2010 I birthed a startup csaccac Inc in which I am the Founder & President, along with all of that work in 2016 I graduate from business school with a BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) with a concentration in Retail Management. A pink passion with purpose to help others, I turned my hurt and pain into something positive far more than what I could of imaged or hoped,_ .---twice the Luv


Founder & President of csaccac Inc;

Jamala M. Johnson