2012 December's Editor Note

Post date: Jan 25, 2013 3:39:21 AM

December 2012 Vol 3 No 14 " I sometimes think we expect too much of Christmas Day. We try to crowd into it the long arrears of kindliness and humanity of the whole year. As for me, I like to take my Christmas a little at a time, all through the year. And thus I drift along into the holidays - let them overtake me unexpectedly - waking up some fine morning and suddenly saying to myself: "Why, this is Christmas Day!" ~David Grayson

A message from the Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc; Quite an amazing and remarkable feat in 2012,American consumers and shoppers egress from a politically charged presidential campaign, a fiscal cliff, housing crisis, and plant closings. With slow economic and job growth, Should consumers and shoppers expect less of the holiday season and more government rhetoric? 2013, what do you expect to see happen in the New Year?

The Unexpected Tales of Life: Christmas trees, decorations, gifts, cakes, pies, holiday music, and holiday TV specials, I enjoyed many holiday seasons surrounded with these things and stuff. At a young age, I had been introduced to the Christmas tradition at home as well as in a public school classroom. And in all honesty, as an adolescent, I often expected during the Christmas holidays to be surrounded with the things and stuff associated with the holiday season. Admittedly, as an infant and pre adolescent I didn’t fully understand the true meaning of the holiday season. Of course, it is to be expected of almost every infant and pre adolescent to not understand what the fuss is all about mainly for the fact that the brain hasn’t fully formulated ideas, opinions and concepts. Eventually, as I grew older, I also grew out my puerile thinking about the holiday season, specifically, Christmas. Although, I believed I had put away my puerile thinking about Christmas, somewhere in my subconscious I continued to expect the holiday to hold true to its tradition not meaning. Straight forwardly speaking, it takes a modest person to admit one's fault, and a brave person to confess what their really thinking. Apparently, as I look back on the numerous Christmas holidays I shared with family and friends, especially during my pre adolescent and adolescent years, I had high expectations of the season and the day. At some point, during my adolescent after years of my fairytale expectations of the holiday season, I had been told to not set my expectations too high. In short, the reason I had been given sounded something like this "if you don’t set your expectations to high then you won’t feel disappointed or let down when things go awry." Years later, after listening to several biblical leaders, I had been inculcated to believe that I should set my expectation sooo high that God would have to do his thing. To expect or not to expect, as the years progress, I had to learn not to expect of others what I didn’t expect of myself including truth, honesty, and respect. While I gained a new outlook on expectancy, one expectancy I hadn’t done away with the expectancy of the holiday season. With fairytale expectations, I expected that my holidays would be as those of my adolescent. What I expected and what ensued to simply state had been unexpected especially during the holiday season. Veritably, for a tantamount of consumers and shoppers the holiday season is often a time to reconnect with loved ones,truthfully,I've observed over the years that there's a lot more to holiday season than a commercial marketing ticket to get consumers and shoppers to buy stuff. Sure, there’s a lot stuff that gets thrown in between the true meaning of the holiday season, and I certainly wouldn’t be fooling anyone but moi, if I just totally left out the facts such as, December is the month that I recall from as far back as my adolescent that I considered a great time to shop for sales, bargains and discount items. And seemingly, throughout the years, consumers and shoppers also agree that December is a great time to shop. In a lot of instances, consumers and shoppers often like to go in search of that one great find or buy. And each year retailers have come to expect consumers and shoppers to leave their comfort zone if only for a few hours to peruse store shelves and racks retailers expect it and consumers expect great deals. Expectancy, it is what is expected, it is what consumers and shopper look forward to as advertised ,anticipate, count on, and it is what many consumers and shoppers await for each holiday season. Expectancy, it is the big moment or great opportunity that a consumer or shopper waits to appear or as defined in the Webster New World Dictionary and Thesaurus "it is that which is expected." What isn’t expected__, dying young? In truth, death is inevitable it is to be expected, it is as natural as birth. What is not to be expected is America's youth being killed from senseless crime or being gunned down in a school yard. Sadly, on the eve of this last issue of the year, of the csaccac eNewsletter&Newsletter, consumers and shoppers received horrific news of twenty children and six adults being killed with a firearm just before the Christmas holiday. Totally unexpected especially after several gun related deaths earlier in the year that sparked a national debate on gun violence. At the report of the horrific act, I felt the horror and outrage of the loved ones victims left behind. As the holiday season I approach, I put aside along with millions of Americans the commercial marketing ticket to pause and remember the twenty children and six adult as well as all of the innocent people who lost their lives to firearms and gun violence. To conclude, as the New Year approaches under these strenuous and extremely somber circumstances, let’s remain prayerful for change, you’d think after being editor of the csaccac eNewsletter and Newsletter for three years that I would have this editor thing written down to a T, when the truth of the matter is it does get easier, it only gets more intricate and obverse. With all sincerity, I want to wish each of you the best and continued success in all your endeavors. Well wishes Be bless much success Continued success in 2013 & God Bless the little children.

Snow Flakes & Mistoles:The csaccac Newsletter is a monthly publication, as Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc., I look forward to continuing the chat with you the (consumer& shopper) in the next csaccac Newsletter,and I thank you for your continued support and look forward to providing you the (consumer& shopper) with the latest in consumer product information. TwtyuL T2yuL ch@wuL IBCUN LoL Cu8L until next month don't forget Lips 2shop n 2save ,Savour the Flavour & Get Twice the Luv with me (cacjohnson)