A Birthday Wish From the Editor.

Post date: Sep 13, 2015 7:27:39 PM

A message from the Editor Founder & President of csaccac Inc;Wishes you make them and hope they come true. Making wishes isn’t something I do often, at a young age I’d been taught to wish is impolite. Other than not being polite, I’d also been taught that to make a wish meant that I’d put aside my faith and belief in a Supreme Being for a silly childhood gimmick. Of all the traditions that I honor and recognize only a few actually make concessions for wishes, Birthday celebrations is one of those concessions. On September 14th of this year I celebrated my 44th birthday without all the bells, whistles, and a pan of fudge brownies. Even though, I chose not to make a pan of brownies this year, I, instead bought a box of my favorite brownies, Little Debbie fudge brownies. From a very young age well into adulthood when I often began to think about my birthday or the birthday celebrations of others, I immediately began to think of the birthday ,food, music, presents, and being surround by family and friends, forty something years later, eight years later after the election of the first African American President,_I am now beginning to have a different attitude about birthdays and the thoughts I once had about birthdays as a pre-teen and teen is much different. Much of the apprehension Ive had within the past five years of celebrating my Birthday relates to the massive loss of lives to Gangs, gun violence’s as relates to blacks and minorities, recent publicized death of black youth at hands of the law along with the current situation with American men and women in the military overseas fighting for democracy for others. Thankful and blessed to of lived another year, Thankful and blessed to of meet new people, to have shared ideas and spread a message of hope and love, I love Birthdays and I believe in the birthday tradition. I'm also a big believer that a birthday should be celebrated and honored. This year at forty-something, I felt it most appropriate and I chose to share and remember the birthdays of young men and women who lost their lives to Gangs, gun violence, and while protecting and defending this country. Wishing is something I often think is for the movies and what makes a fairy tale so exciting for a young child, even without the birthday cake, sadly as the year progress, and reports of tragedies from across the globe and country began to enumerate, I began to think about making wishes more than ever before. Admittedly, at forty-something, I kind of resolved within myself that Birthday wishes is for the fairy tales; then I began to think if I could make wish and make them come true, What would I wish?”, a few things came into (1) World Peace (2) End to gun violence (3) an end to Gang Violence (4) a stop to wars overseas (5) and to sell a million a copies of my first book. If wishes could come true, I’d wish for the world to become a better place for all people and all races;If you put all the wishes together,the biggest wish I could make is that each of you share your birthday with someone and remember the birthdays of those young and old ---twice the Luv


Founder & President of csaccac Inc;.

Jamala M. Johnson