October's Editor Note

Post date: Jan 8, 2013 4:16:07 PM

A essage from the Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc.;

The Tale of Two Schools of Thought: Education is often considered the building block to success. Although,success is often different for each consumer and shopper,ostensibly,education frequently determines the level of success each consumer or shopper achieves. Admittedly,it is often through success that consumers and shoppers learn what works and doesn't work. In a lot of instances consumers and shoppers stumble upon success through trial and error. ,Ive mentioned the word success over and over___and it's still not quite clear to you,what is success? Well__as stated in the Webster New Dictionary and Thesaurus,the word success means favorable results. Now that I've given you the definition of success,in a clear and unambigous manner,I going to pause here to further explain,what is success?___because success covers such a broad spectrum of activities,and concentric cognitive actions. Frequently in blogs and articles,I have attributed the many successes I have had to receiving a public school education. Veritably,I learned while receiving a public education that the meaning of success is different for each person as well as the definition of success. For instance,some consumers and shoppers measure success through material wealth,others through praise and encomium of family and friends,then there's the myriad of consumers and shoppers who measure success with their checkbook. At any rate you measure success,education often precludes the final outcome. In speaking of success and education that always seem to be waiting at the water fountain in most public schools. Straight forwardly speaking,I believe that it is important for students to have a place to succeed and fail without fear or judgement. Truthfully,I experienced many successes and failures while attending public school,from Christmas plays,recitals,and talent shows. Success,during the course of the years,I observed as a public school student looked favorably upon American traditions. From Valentine's Day to Thanksgiving,toChristmas,American family traditions often recognized in public school rarely met with opposition and for the most part the success of each tradition in the classroom had been based upon student and faculty response. Halloween___,for example,I loved it as kid because it usually meant I would get the opportunity to wear a costume and go door to door reciting the words " trick or treat give me something good to eat." After reciting the words to complete strangers and neighbors,usually the person behind the door would place candy inside my orange and black halloween bag covered with bats and a witch on a broom or inside my orange plastic pumpkin essentially the item brought to receive candy on Halloween had been based on how well my aunts and I planned for that particular halloween . At the same time,I also recall as a public school student the Halloween tradition often carefully instructed inside a public classroom frequently found success among students. Years later,the Halloween tradition continues to be one of the many tradition I observe and highlight on my calendar. Even though,it has been some years since I gone overboard in commerating the day,I still love all the decorations,party favors,costumes,and candies associated with the day.Certainly,you dont have to be an expert to measure success. In a lot of instances,success could be measured with something tangible,in other instances it could be intangible. Unequivocally,the mode and method of how each consumer and shopper measures success,typically is set at the consumer and shoppers 's discretion. As Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc,Ive often battled with measuring success in both my personal and professional life. And truthfully,no matter how many times I define and describe success___,it never fails,I often catch myself comparing my success to someone else success just as I did when I attended public school. As I grew older,I would eventually define success through one of life's mantras " Love what you do,then find a way to get paid for it"