2018 February

Post date: Apr 10, 2018 3:39:49 AM

A message from the Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

“What is the meaning of love?”, “How far will you go for love?”, “ How will you know if it is true love,or infatuation?”, “What to do when love wont let you walk away?” the truth isnt what you always expect and not always readily accepted but is this what you really think“Love it or Leave it,my hair matters.”

There is always going to be someone smarter than you, there is always going to be someone prettier than you and there is always going to be someone richer than you_,the gist of life is you have to be comfortable being you ,you have to love you_no else can do that for you. With my hair faded on both sides and in the back,the front is a short curly coiff with no weave at the moment. In this moment Im thinking finding love in this place with short hair is like find a winning lottery ticket. twice theLuv, I know that my hair is not the ideal American definiton of beauty and at the same time I know and feel that my short hair makes me feel beautiful,it makes me feel geniune and it’s my truth. And the truth is_ the truth is different for every one, I began wearing hair short while college and its been and off and on again Love Affair. Thanks to innovate entreprenuers and hair designers there is so much that us girls can do with our natural hair, the reality of it all is would your male friends or boyfriend or spouse approve? It’s more than my hair, it’s business school,the lesbian profiler,and this whole transparency thing. Until recently,short hair ,long hair wasn't a big deal with me as a person. As I began to attend business school, to build a professional network, and to head out the door to meet and greet the public I became conscious of my image. At the moment I choose to become a Notary of the Public image_,self-image became asterisk at the top of my to-do-list.