Editor Note : 2017 August

Post date: Aug 17, 2017 1:37:27 AM

A Message from the Founder and President of csaccacInc;All being finished means is that you havent started yet. Aaron Sorkin

A message from the Editor, Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

Twice the Luv, I'm in a good place today which means this Editor Note probably has more hope and love than usual underneath all of the discouragement, frustration, opposition and uncertainty that life throws at us each day. I've been both a student and a teacher, the classroom is a learning place for the preparation into the real world. The classroom is probably the best place to learn the do's and dont's of life. From friendships to relationships, the classroom has been for years the building block and starting place for learning rules of communication and developing social skills.

I often describe my life as a Middle school student as my Awkward Years totally opposite from highschool years. As a highschool student I thought I was living my best years, then as a college student I thought I was living my best years,when I graduated college I thought I was living my best years, when I landed my first job after college I thought I was living my best years, when I bought my first car I thought I was living my best years , when I fell into my first relationship (meet my byf) after college I thought was living my best years _I think you get the picture,the "Best Years." My best years happened each and everyday I chose not to giveup on life and to be a part life those were the best days of my life, yes I almost died_ somewhere imbeded within my psyche I chose life_I had to pray and work my way through some treacherous waters . And I believe the best years of my life are the years that I lived_ in hope, and renewed my faith. As with all things considered, I have good days and I have bad days, and there's always something to learn from both_it's not a cake walk or a piece of cupcake, it's harder than it looks. Thank God for cliches because cliches always get me out a bind ,for example; "stay with it ", "be persistent" , "keep the faith"," dont lose sight of your goal","failure is success turned upside down","whatever you do always give 110%" "Be the best you not second rate verision of someone else","it's your attitude that defines how far you go in life" and"Be the person you'd want to meet".

Best years, middle school ,highschool, college, those are years when a student should absorb and soak up all that life has to offer_in the learning place. Live, Love, Laugh, and be your best, stop waiting for the so called "Best Years" and make each day your best day. Of course everyone's best days are going to be the same_