From the desk of the Editor:Back to School

Post date: Sep 4, 2013 7:58:35 PM

A special message from the Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

new teachers,returning teachers,code of conduct,dress code,class schedules,GPA's,quizzes,test,exams,final,science projects,spelling bees,math competitions,class president,class vice president,Spanish club,French club,Debate club,student government association,planned lunches,home made lunches,new friends,old friends,field trips,fall fashion,gossip,new TV shows,and extra curricula events.

Each year,back-to-school is a major event for thousands of parents,students, and teachers living in the United States as well as communities within the United States. A product of a public school education,I know the importance of being prepared for an exciting new start and a crucial,decisive,and determining moment in a student's life. In fact,for many years,the back-to-school tradition has called upon the support of parents,students,teachers,and communities throughout the United States. Veritably,the transition from summer often referred to as "school is out" to the fall commonly called "back-to-school" could be a bit overwhelming for some students. Therefore,it's not surprising the calling upon support from parents,students,teachers and communities throughout the years is a part of the back-to school tradition. Officially declared,as summer begins to wrap up and cease,the signs of Fall has begun to make way for back-to-school stuff. Wistfully,as parents,students,and teachers say goodbye to summer events,summer concerts,summer vacations,and summer fashion,the Fall season has begun to fill up the shelves of retail stores with back-to-school stuff.From department stores to local chain stores,the signs of Fall and back-to-school is popping up everywhere. And while it is my greatest hope that each of you had a safe and fun summer,I look forward to all the best the Fall has to offer. Without further adieu,this Fall get involved in the back-to-school tradition,__there's soooo many ways that each of you could assist a student,a family,or even a teacher. For instance,you could volunteer a service,visit a local school , drop off school supplies,or make a donation. Whatever,you choose remember one person can make a difference in a student's life.

Yours Truly,

Jamala M Johnson

Editor-in-Chief of the csaccac eNewsletter