Learning to Water Our Traditions.

Post date: Mar 21, 2013 6:55:00 PM

From the desk of the Editor,Founder and President of csaccac: Yesterday was the first day of Spring,___and I was reminded of several great American traditions while performing a few task late in the afternoon. Reluctant to read Kathryn Stockett's book,The Help,one of the first task I performed was to renew the book at the local library,truthfully, the book had been sitting in the middle of my bed for weeks. For reasons that only I could articulate or at least enumerate,I hadnt viewed the movie or read the book,The Help Since the movie first went public I had held some ambivalence towards reading the book and viewing the movie. Perphaps, part of my reluctance begins with the fact that when I was very young my grandmother,basically,a single parent had to work several jobs to keep a roof over the heads of my aunts and I including working as a maid for a white woman who was really kind and generous. Years later, one my cousins did the same to help with her college expenses. Although both performed the work for extra income,in all honesty, I feel and felt as if the movie was glamourizing being a maid,certainly if the movie held true to the book without even reading book it would only confirm my thoughts. Most assuredly, as a small kid back then, I certainly hadn't felt that there was anything glamorous about being a maid in 1962,1970,1980,1990,or even in 2000.After renewing the book I just so happen to walk over to DVD section to give it an once over. While perusing through the DVDs I stumbled upon the movie ,Jump The Broom, and minutes later I checked the DVD out to view it on the weekend. A tantamount of consumers and shopper honor traditions that has been in their families for decades. In some instances tradition has been handed down from generation to generation, from family to family, and so forth,in other instances tradition has been taught as a custom. Regardless of whether a tradition has been handed down or taught, I was taught that tradition brings people and families together__ and today, I find that school of thought to be true .

In truth,honoring and recognizing American tradition has been a part of the American way of life for decades;for instance, approval of Weddings;a union between a man and a woman,celebration of Anniversaries; the celebration of sticking it out in good and bad times; acclamation of Baby Showers,the announcement of a new born,recognition of Graduations;the exaltation of college graduates,and the observance of Perennials;flowers and plants that grow year round. Learning to water our traditions in the same manner as nursery workers,farmers,horticulturist,landscapers and caretakers of the elderly assist the elderly daily,without a question,I feel watering our traditions must be performed frequently to keep them from losing meaning in translation. Watering,the process of giving flowers and plants the recommened amount of water to make them grow and to keep them healthy,respectively,in the same way that each of us as consumers and shoppers pause to water and nuture flowers,plants,and even our souls,learning to watering our traditions helps to keep them vivacious,full of life and meaningful. For years consumers and shoppers has honored and celebrated American traditions,and in all actuality,tradition has been the backbone of numerous American families. Aside from birthdays and special events,at some point in time,throughout the years,each of us as consumers and shoppers has made plans and has even looked forward to certain events and traditions .Towards the end of completing the task I had intially set out to complete, as I was standing in the candy aisle while deciding on what kind of snack or candy to buy I focused my attention on a bag of jelly beans. And to be truthful, normally, I like to buy a bag or two of jelly beans before Easter,however, on this day I went with the Jr mints. Not quite ready for the jelly beans eventhough I love jelly beans, I chose to wait until a few days right before Easter. Besides, Jelly Beans___well they're just a small part of the Easter tradition. The Easter tradition has been one of my favorite tradition from as far back as the days when I was a kindergarten student. One of the greatest biblical stories ever told, the Easter story remains a family tradition among a myriad of American families. Over the years,the Easter tradition has become very commercialized,even with the many things and stuff associated with the Easter tradition,the Easter Story remains one of the greatest biblical stories ever told. To conclude as each of us take time out of our busy lives to honor and recognize the Easter tradition,let's not forget the true the meaning of the Easter tradition.

Happy Easter!


J amala M. Johnson

Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc