
Post date: Mar 19, 2011 10:50:44 PM

Inserts:Coupons,Safety First,Consumer Alerts & c'est combien?

December 2011

First of all, I want to say: I hope you've enjoyed reading the Shopping 101 segment__ but, most importantly, I hope you've learned some valuable shopping techniques to help you get the best deals and bargains on the different products that you use daily. Above all the other non--related shopping stuff, my greatest hope is that the information shared in the Shopping 101 segment is information that you'll refer to frequently and share with family, friends, and co-workers. To conclude, now that the end of the year has arrived__ so has the conclusion of the Shopping 101 segment___ I know funny how times flies when you're starting to get the hang of things. Anyway, there’s a lot of good shopping tips out there (meaning the internet); there's even some really good blogs with shopping tips, in other words, I'm not the only shopping guru but for now "Clip it ,Cut it ,Check the Expiration Date, Put them On the Counter Where it Counts..." Coupons Don't Bounce is the last article of the Shopping 101 segment. Before I sign off, because we've been through so much shopping together this year, I definitely want you to know I look forward to you participating, reading, and sharing your shopping experiences in the next MVP: Get the Measuring Cup & S-T-R-E-T-C-H those Commodities.

MVP: Shopping 101 & "Clip it, Cut it, Check the Expiration Date, Put them On the Counter Where it Counts..." Coupons Don't Bounce

A few days before Christmas, I attended a couponing seminar titled “Couponing 101" Before I go any further, I have to say I didn't know exactly what information the couponing seminar planned to cover or discuss. For the past five years, I had begun to take couponing very seriously, especially because of the economy. Specifically, I got interested in coupons because of the rising cost in food and gas. Normally, I don't randomly attend seminars unless they offer relative information or advice that could give me an advantage at work, in my finances, or build better relationships. During the time the couponing seminar was being offered, I had been researching the different websites offering discounts and bargains, so, instead of overlooking the flier advertising the couponing seminar that had been placed in public view for anyone to see, I picked up the flier, I read it, and then__ I registered to attend the couponing seminar. At the time I picked up the flier advertising the couponing seminar, I noticed the flier didn't mention if the couponing seminar was informal or formal. And in all honesty, whether the couponing seminar was informal or formal really wasn't as important as the information that would be covered in the seminar. Not a stranger to clipping coupons, on numerous shopping trips I have pulled out coupons at chain stores, grocery store and fast food restaurants. When I lived with my grandmother, I remember clipping coupons with my aunts before going grocery shopping with my grandmother. Years later, I would digress from the shopping habits taught to me and shop for stuff without giving thought to clipping coupons. Admittedly, I missed out on a lot of savings because I didn't take the time to plan and clip coupons. Because of the economic recession in 2008, I was forced to alter my spending habits and that's when I once again became consciously aware of clipping coupons. For that reason, I felt attending the couponing seminar had been a must for anyone who was serious about couponing including moi. Informal, formal,or not, my objective for attending the couponing seminar simply had been to learn how to rack up on fifty to hundred dollars worth of groceries with only having to pay a dollar or a penny. As ridiculous or outrageous as it might sound, I had been resolute on finding out how to pay the least amount of money for groceries. Anyway, in the couponing seminar, I found out that what I had been looking to learn consumers and shoppers referred to as extreme couponing.

Let me stop for a moment and state that up until the couponing seminar, I had been using coupons sparsely. Like most serious consumers and shoppers, I had been doing my homework and gathering information about the various types of coupons. Absolutely and unequivocally, I wasn't going into the couponing seminar totally oblivious about couponing. Yes, I had some knowledge about coupons; for instance, I knew the difference between in-store coupons and manufacturer coupons. As a result of doing my homework, I learned two important habits that consumers and shoppers must remember when clipping coupons, in the same way that consumers and shoppers check the date on the checks they write, consumers and shoppers should always check the expiration date on coupons as well as put them in a place that's easily accessible.

In short while attendance at the couponing seminar, much of the information presented only re affirmed what I researched. On the other hand, there was some new information presented. To give you a basic idea of the topics covered, I listed below an overall view of the information presented at the couponing seminar.

How to be a successful couponed

Coupon Lingo

Types of Coupons

Where Do I Find Coupons

Printable Coupons

Coupon Sources


Of course, a lot of this information over lapped into the information I had gathered before coming to the couponing seminar. But, the most important information that I want to convey to consumers and shoppers is the following:

-planning and budgeting is an important part of any saving program.

-making time to plan, at least 15 to 30 minutes a day during the week or 4 hours on the weekend.

-listing, being very specific about the items that as a consumer and shopper you use daily.

-and when clipping coupons always check the expiration date.

On a final note, one of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned about coupons when all of the planning and shopping has been completed “Coupons Don't Bounce"

November 2011

Safety First:Walk don't run,ten simple steps to eschew holiday shopping mishaps and injuries.

* First and foremost, Safety First, a monthly article located in the csaccac Newsletter specifically addresses consumer safety concerns. For the most part, this section of the csaccac Newsletter relays relevant and basic consumer tips that could save ,prevent, and stop both consumer and shoppers from mishaps and injuries when each step is implemented into a consumer or shoppers daily routine. For example, this month’s Safety First article takes a look at steps to prevent mishaps and injuries while shopping during the holiday seasons.

Black Friday, one of the biggest shopping days of the holiday season remains popular among consumers and shoppers. Initially, desiginated for only the Friday after Thanksgiving, this year some retails have extended the shopping phenomenon to the entire week leading up to Black Friday. As in previous years, Retailers such as Wal mart Target Best Buy and Macy offer consumer and shoppers’ deals and discounts on an array of items. Not surprisingly, consumers and shoppers looking for great finds and sales often tend to get up in the wee hours of the morning to stand in queues to grab these deals and discounts. Although, Black Friday only occurs once a year retailers and consumers seem to welcome the day with great expectations. While increase in sales and discounts might be on the mind of retailers and shoppers ,there's another side of Black Friday that some consumers and shoppers might overlook in their haste to grab a good deal ,safety. Large crowds of consumers and shoppers waiting in the wee hours of the morning to get a deal presents safety issues not only to the consumer but also to the store employees listed below is a few steps that those brave consumers and shoppers who plan to venture out and go shopping during the holiday might want to memorize.

(1) Plan Ahead

    • Prepare a list

    • Research the product online

    • Know the time the stores open and close (Black Friday,Thanksgiving & Christmas).

    • Know how much money you want to spend.

    • Know the section of the store the item is located.

(2) Dress appropriately for out door and indoor shopping.

(3) This is very important do not take small infants and children to large shopping slaes.Leave small infants and children at home under adult supervision. At least one responsible adult should stay home with small infants and children during holiday shopping hours.

(4) Drive to arrive alive even if this means leaving 30minutes or an hour before store opening.

(5) Leave valuables at home in other words only take personal identification,credit cards,debits cards or checks that will be required to make purchase plus make sure you have your cell phone in case you have to make a call to report theft.

(6) If shopping at night make sure you park in a well lighted area.

(7) Be prepared if the store sells out of the item quickly and does not have the item in stock

  • Ask for a raincheck

  • Ask about price matching

(9) Avoid large crowds and holiday shopper madness if you can wait, shop for big ticket items on Cyber Monday(The biggest online shopping day of the holiday season)

(10) Walk dont run down aisles,avoid tripping on items that might have fallen on sales floor or stepping on small kids.

MVP: New,Used,Refurbished or Rent to Own,what's in your holiday budget?

In previous sections of MVP, a column dedicated to the Financial Recovery and Financial Empowerment of both consumers and shoppers, I have talked in length about Making A Budget and Shopping On A Budget, now that the holiday season has arrived this is a good time right up to two the biggest shopping days of the season to put some of those tips into action as well as review What's In Your Budget?

From shoes to electronics, in this turbulent economy and job market even the most acumen shopper wants relief? And a myriad of consumers and shoppers have found relief from rising prices in gas and food ,in addition to frequently purchased household items with the use of store coupons, manufacturer coupons and store rebates. Add to the fact that if a consumer or shopper took a close look at their budget they would probably find that items they frequently purchase is often at the top of the list, then there’s those special purchases for birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays__ items that consumers and shoppers often don’t include in their primary budget. Essentially, what happens to those items that's not included in a consumer or shoppers primary budget, do they get purchased or left on store shelves? In most instances, a tantamount of consumers and shoppers purchase items that they haven't included in their budget. In some instances,a large number of consumers and shoppers shop year round and make concession for purchasing items to have on hand when the date of a special events approaches.While,on the other hand some shoppers wait to the last minute to shop for special events often leaving them frustrated and disconcernted. Admittedly, I shop at various stores. And in all honsety, I purchase some items new but I also shop at thrift stores and purchase items use. Recently, I joined EBay, I’m new to the whole bidding concept; veritably, I haven’t quite figured it out as of to date but from what I understand EBay is one of the largest online shopping communities. When, I’m not shopping in stores, I’m shopping online. As a member of Amazon, I have found a lot of great deals since becoming a member of Amazon.com. Unlike most shoppers with unblemished credit, I have to shop for deals, discounts, and bargains because of my limited access to secure line of credit that not necessarily a bad thing but it not always the best thing, Anyway, often I have found what's in my budget isn't what I wanted, therefore, I like to research different items and products online to get the next best thing. Overall, I have found what's not in my budget isn't always out of my reach, nowadays, you have to look before you leap and sometimes that requires a couple of glances and once over’s. Ultimately, whether a consumer or shopper decides to purchase something new, used ,refurbished or decides to Rent to Own even if it’s not in their budget should first look for the best deals and consider the different purchasing options such as EBay, Amazon, Overstock, Fingerhut and other online stores.

October 2011

Health Alert & Kid Safety: A Picture says a thousand words & A Smile is worth a million bucks; Preventative Dental Care & Tooth Decay

MVP: Shopping 101 & "Don't Put All Your EGGs Into One Basket"

· Many of the shopping habits that I exuded during my twenties and thirties had been learned behavior, in other words, my shopping behavior mimic observations that I made while watching the grownups in my life. For example, shopping down each aisle in the grocery store, specifically shopping at malls and department stores for clothes shoes and big ticket items, shopping beauty supply stores for hair care products, and shopping music stores for tapes and cds, each of these actions that I performed had been learned behavior. As I reflect on my shopping habits, during my twenties and thirties I realized it had been at a young age that I learned to be an All around Shopper. Basically, I describe being an All Around Shopper in one article as person that shops for all different types of items at different stores. And in all honesty, I didn't realize it until I had been well into my late thirties that I__ actually had been in theory practicing not putting all my eggs in one basket when I shopped. Admittedly, it’s an old cliché "Don't Put All Your Eggs Into One Basket" but over the years it has been one cliché that has proven to be sagacious financial advice. Even today, some twenty years later, the old cliché remain true in money matters and for those consumers and shoppers who put the cliché to work before the 2008 economic recession, as you guessed it faired far much better than those consumers and shoppers who lumped their money into one lemon. Ultimately, when the cliché is used to refer to shopping practices consumers and shoppers might be shocked to know it also has a profound meaning in the shopping world. Specifically, in the financial world "Don't Put All Your Eggs Into One Basket" means to invest. Alright! ___ So, what does the cliché really mean in the shopping world, it’s the same concept as investing instead the cliché is applied to shopping behavior and practices. And in most instances a tantamount of consumers and shoppers already practice not putting all their eggs in one basket they just inadvertently do not relate, label, or refer to their shopping behavior in that manner. Lastly, here's a few practice that consumer and shoppers might want to note of while shopping. if you're a consumer shopper that does the following:

· Have a specific store for each product you buy

· Don't overspend or only buy in just one category, for example (Grocery or Shoes)

· Make A Budget or List of the items different items you purchase daily,weekly, and monthly

________then in theory you're practicing not putting all your eggs in one basket.

Now that you have a clearer understanding of what the cliché means, if you're a consumer or shopper that hasn't been practicing the steps listed above it’s not too late to start. Most importantly, for your next shopping trip remember, “Don’t Put All Your Eggs Into One Basket".

September 2011

Health Alert: Pure Sugar (sucrose, fructose &lactose), Sugar Substitutes plus Artificial Sweeteners; What’s cooking sugar? How much sugar is in it? Where did sugar first orginate? Who gave sugar a bad reputation?

MVP: Sign Up to Get Discounts and Deals!@!

Throughout the Shopping 101 series, I've discussed varies methods to save money while shopping in stores. Many of the methods and practices I have personally performed while shopping in grocery stores, chain stores, and fast food restaurants and online. For the most part, the methods and practices in this series contain basic simple steps to reduce spending in certain categories over a given time. Also, consumers and shoppers should note that reducing spending doesn't have to be a chore but it does require practice of one of the simplest methods which is making a list of items before you run out the door to shop. Clipping coupons remains one of the most widely used practice by consumers and shopper to reduce cost at the checkout counter and cut down on the cost of household expense, I first learned to clip coupons during the time that I live with my grandmother. Clipping coupons is something that my grandmother often did frequently on the weekends. Veritably, there’s a lot of methods to save money at the checkout counter but like fad diets if it isn’t practiced regularly a consumer and shopper will become frustrated and exasperated with their efforts to alter their shopping behavior. And I can say, I know this for a fact because for years I experienced the feeling of disconsolate and frustrated by the thought of just stepping into a store. Even though, I kept receipts as well as monitored my spending shopping habits, I just couldn't seem to break the rut of repeatedly shopping without using coupons and not having enough money at the end of month. Truthfully, I don't know it's kind of weird___it's like coupons didn't even exist in my twenties and thirties, even though, I grewup clipping coupons. Honestly, I didn't really begin to pay attention to coupons until my late thirties. At the age of thirty five, it’s like I found and fell in love with coupons all over again. Up until my twenty seventh birthday around the time I graduated from college, I can honestly say I had been totally oblivious to coupons. Now that I'm older I spend more time looking for discount and deals. And today, it's a lot easier to receive discount and deals from your favorite stores and restaurants because of the advancement in tech gadgets. However, there’s only one catch for a consumer and shopper to receive discounts and deals from their favorite store or restaurant they must first sign up online. In many instances, in order for a consumer or shopper to receive discounts and deals online they must have a valid email account. Yes____it's a fact, there's a lot of discounts and deals offered to consumers and shoppers each month but they must sign up online. For the past five years, I received discount and deals from Radio Shack, Office Max,Rite Aid,Khols, Hardees, and Jc Penny) sent to my email address. Furthermore, each and every consumer as well as shopper impacted by the 2008 economic recession knows that the impact of receiving discounts and deal on items they buy regularly makes a difference in their wallets. To conclude all of the methods I discussed in this series have been proven to save consumers and shoppers money at the checkout counter. Also, the methods and practice have proven that over a given time shoppers reduce their spending significantly. So, finally, at last now that you've become a reformed shopper from the help of Shopping 101___Now,stop! procrastinating and sign up for those discounts and deals today.

August 2011

Kid Safety: Counting Calories & Dieting, Should kids count calories? How healthy is it for a kid to count calories? And When should a kid diet? Plus hear what the experts have to say about kids counting calores and dieting all in August csaccac Newsletter.

MVP : Shopping 101 & Coupons

For a myriad of consumers and shoppers, shopping makes them feel euphoric, speaking from firsthand experience, I frequently in my adolescence and well into my late twenties often experienced euphoria each time I walked into a mall or department store. Unequivocally, I felt a strong sense of euphoria when I first began shopping and buying my own personal stuff with the money I earned working odd jobs and in retail. In short, euphoria is a feeling as I describe using my own words mixed with a cliché it is the feeling of being on top of the world and ready to face life adversities head on with one exception of buying a new item or making a purchase to complete the experience like adding whip cream to your favorite dessert. In some instances, the feeling of euphoria is the related cause that attributes to a consumer or shopper impulsive behavior to buy. Truthfully, it doesn't matter whether a consumer or shopper is an impulsive shopper or a smart savvy frugal shopper, at the end of each consumers and shoppers experience, once the racks, the shelves and aisles have been perused, then as each consumer and shopper gives the racks shelves and aisle a once or twice look over, eventually concluding their shopping after making sure all the sales items and clearance items have been rumbled through, it goes without saying, it all adds up at the check counter, and when it comes to shopping these day after the 2008 recession money matters. Amazingly, with coupons consumers and shoppers have the ability to lower the final bill at the checkout counter significantly, for example, a consumer and shopper that walks into a grocery store armed and ready with a grocery list and clipped coupons know what to expect at the checkout counter a reduce grocery bill. Veritably, I have experienced significantly reduce grocery bills because of coupons, for instance, I've applied buy one get free coupons as well in store and manufacture coupons at the time of (POS) point of sale to reduce my grocery bill. Most assuredly, applying coupons and saving money on grocery bills is not something just for the experts___it's something that just about any average consumer and shopper can do with a little practice. But, first as consumer and shopper you must be open to giving up a few minutes in your day to read news ads, and find coupons for items you use frequently. Even though, American consumers and shoppers continue to feel the effects of a sluggish economy due in part to the recession of 2008, it has not stop consumers and shoppers from shopping. In most instances, a lot consumers and shoppers have turned to frequently clipping coupons to help household expenses. Not surprisingly, since the beginning of the economic recession consumers and shoppers aggressively began to rely on coupons to decrease cost at fast food restaurants, department stores, and grocery stores. So, instead of consumers and shoppers not making purchases, a tantamount of consumers and shoppers found relief in clipping coupon. And sometimes the best find in the grocery store, fast restaurant, or even in a department store is a coupon. Besides, why should a consumer or shopper spend more when they could spend less with a coupon? Plus, every smart savvy consumer and shopper knows that coupons can be found just about everywhere a consumer shops daily, weekly and monthly. Lastly, don’t rule coupons because in a lot times during shopping trips coupons happen to be the first line of defense of reducing cost at check counter or as it is often referred to in retail (POS) Point of Sale.

July 2011

Health Alert: (Hypoglycemia vs Hyperglycemia)Understanding the symptons and living with diabetes,diabetics do not have to suffer in silence)

MVP: Shopping 101 & Generic vs Name Brand

In my years as a product tester, I have tasted, sampled, experimented, even contemplated going meatless. Of course that won't happen any time soon because I love hamburgers and the same with sugar, not even sugar free because, I love ice cream. Yes, sometimes I get weak and think about totally altering my diet because my grandmother is a diabetic then I think about how my grandmother raised me and I believe she would rather I be happy and healthy. At other times, I have returned both generic and brand name products back to the store. At any rate, with all of the different kinds of products in stores and on shelves___ sometimes it gets a little confusing into which products to choose for your family, I don't know exactly how my grandmother did it but each time my grandmother returned from the grocery store it never failed that inside those brown grocery bags would be food to feed a family of five but it also contained products that everyone liked. Admittedly, today products have changed from packaging to taste which sometimes makes it even harder to choose the right product for families and individuals but it’s not out of grasp___that's choosing the right products for you and your family. On the weekends, specifically, Fridays and Saturdays, I have watched the television commercial ads of various products and observed how they cater to kids and grownups. And truthfully, many of the television commercials really grabbed my attention. At one point, I thought quietly to my inner, if these TV ads grab my attention and make an impression on my brain then just imagine what's going through a kid’s brain. First of all, consumers and shoppers with kids should know what products marketing executives have geared towards kids and learned what product their kids tend to be drawn towards And just like when I had been a kid TV commercials and radically cool packaging often got my attention, egregiously, whether consumers and shoppers want to admit TV commercials do have an effect on kids as well as the different product they choose. So the point of all this: if my grandmother can feed a family five and know each of their likes and dislikes, so can you. Okay, now that I’ve shared with you some of my experiences with Generic and Brand Name products, let’s look further into the differences.

Specifically, this section of the Shopping 101 series focuses on the difference between Generic versus Brand Name products. Don't panic, if you go totally blank, I'm here to help you sort out the differences but first before you go any further go find a note pad and a pen or a pencil. Now that you're armed and ready to brainstorm let's begin with a simple question, what is the first thing that enters into your brain? Next begin with adjectives such as cheap, best, good, bad, horrible, plain, and so forth then write the name of a product next to each adjective as in the example below

§ Cheap--Rameen Noodles

§ Best- Kraft Mac & Cheese

§ Good-Foodlion Vanilla ice cream

§ Bad--Foodlion ketchup

§ Horrible/Cheap--Totinos Pizza

§ Plain--Thomas Bagels

Now, take a deep breath, and look at each product you wrote down then label them each product as Generic or Brand Name. Great you've completed the first exercise and jotted down some adjectives and named some products__but wait a minute__ don't throw the exercises away because you might want to refer to it later on other sections of this series.

Alright! _____you got the hang of the first exercise now it's time to identify products you buy regularly it doesn't matter if it's from the grocery store or department in this exercise you want to list at least twenty different products, okay, that's not all, you also want to write next to each product just as in the first exercise Generic or Brand Name.

June 2011

Internet Safety: Privacy & Viruses

Researchers and scientist more than likely would probably agree that with the advancement of technology and the introduction of tech gadgets each year, a whole new set of problems make themselves apparent such as privacy and viruses.Heedlessly,consumer and shoppers who frequently utilize the internet as well as submit personal information by filling out various forms,registration requirements, and job applications risk unapproved groups or individuals obtaining personal information they submit through the internet . In some instances ,unknown persons,groups and individuals have hacked into internet users personal accounts,launched viruses, and sent out bogus email. For the most part,the internet is a safe place to conduct business;however,consumers and shoppers must take all of the saftey precautions to make sure that any information they submit doesn't get into the wrong hands.As a frequent internet user, I ve learned that there's several safety measures consumers and shoppers should take to prevent identity theft as well as protect other important personal information such as passwords,bank statements and credit card numbers from being stolen. Most importantly consumers and shoppers shouldn't leave all the responsiblity solely up to the internet providor of making sure that personal information they submit isn't stolen. Indeed,consumers and shoppers who frequently submit personal information through the internet,first should identify whether the site is a secure or verified site before submitting any personal information.Besides,what consumer or shopper wants to wake up one morning and learn that their identity has been stolen. While ,privacy is a concern for many consumers and shoppers that utilize the internet ,viruses, pose a different a kind of concern. In short, an internet virus infects and attacks programs often causing them to not work properly or as in some instance destroying progams and blacking out desktops. Clearly,the internet has its advantages and disadvantages. Ostensibly,the advantages seem to out weigh the disadvantages because million of American consumers and shoppers continue to utilize the internet in spite of the different risk. Lastly, listed below is a few of the saftey measures consumers and shoppers should practice when using the internet;

Identify a web site as a secure or a non-secure site

Protect Passwords and don't tell anyone your password

Confirm email identity and only open email you know is safe

Immediately contact banks and credit lenders if you think your identity has been stolen.

*May 2011

Kid Safety: Putting the Parental Controls On Kids Viewing & Listening Tech Gadgets.

Numerous tech gadgets exist to day from listening devices to viewing devices,as it turns out, America's youth is often the target of advertisers marketing schemes to purchase many of the high tech gadgets sold in the United States. With the sell of these advanced tech gadgets such as Ipads,Ipods,Mp3 players and Smart phones, young kids safety is easily put at risk. Although,these devices when properly ultilized is often educational and entertaining,in some instance,without parental control the devices could easily be utilized to view and listen to lewd and lascivious behavior. For many parents, the question might arise, at what age should parents put parental control on kids tech gadgets as well as what age should parents stop putting parental controls on kids tech gadgets? Even before parents consider putting parental controls on their kid tech gadget,first each parent must arrive to a concensus with their kid as to what type of tech gadget to purchase. First and foremost, a kids age,the kind of tech gadget, and level of maturity should all be taken into consideration when applying parental controls on tech gadgets. While,it's not uncommon to read and listen to varies media outlets publicly report kids that have been lured into risky behavior via the internet,parents ,specifically,of under age teens, first might want to learn about the different tech gadgets, get to know how they work and the different applications provided through the manufacturer. Chat rooms,tweet streams,and texting, each of these social apps makes it easy for kids to feel overwhelmed,given into peer pressurer and even fall victim to internet scams. As a result of the readiness and accessiblity to these social apps, I feel that putting parental control on kids viewing and listening tech gadgets remains solely up to the parent or guardian who's considering purchasing a tech gadget for an under age teen.From an older persons point of view,I 'd definitely recommend putting parent control on viewing and listening devices of kids between the ages of seven and fifteen based solely on my spam mail ,chat rooms, and sex texting.

*April 2011

Kid Safety:Treating outdoor scrapes,scratches and bruises.

I really love this issue of Safety First because it takes me back to a time when I exercised my imagination, made mud pies,slided down sliding boards,roller skated on side walks and played tag football.As a kid my grandmother treated just about all of my scrapes,scratches, and bruises with neosporin,bactine,aloe, and pure coco-coco butter. Apparently,my grandmothers treatment for my minor abrasions more than likely would have received the school nurse 100% approval. Unequivocally, my arms and legs both could be used in an informercial for the effectiveness of both neosoprin and bactine.Not surprisingly,neosporin and bactine both continue to be the choice of a lot moms when it comes to treating scrapes scratches and bruises. Although, today's kids have alot of tech gadgets to choose from such as video games, smart phones, Mp3 players , Ipods and a lot of other stuff to grab their attention,indeed, this is far much a different type of a pastime or hobby then during my youth. Instead of making mudd pies,playing board games,roller skating on sidewalks and sliding down sliding boards the youth of today have suited up their game gear and choosing to remain indoors. Straight forwardly speaking, scrapes,scratches, and bruises could occur anywhere and not just outdoors. For that reason,maintaining a well kept medicine cabinet or first aid kit [especially parents with small children ] is important as to knowning how to treat different abrasions from a minor cut, sprain ankle to first degree burns. At the same time, parents with small kids should also get to know the different ointments available to treating scrapes,scratches and bruises because some kids might be allegric to certain ingredients; therefore, getting to know the products and testing them on a small area is a good idea to prevent irritations or rashes,for instance applying the ointment inside the arm behind the elbow to test for allergies. Of course, it's a lot of information to digest and I didnt just learn this issue of Safety First overnight,it's a combination of my grandmothers advice and the assistance of several web sites that I learned some basic steps to treating scrapes,scratches, and bruises;for example, the 3C's as posted on the Neosporin web site (clean it ,coat it and cover it) Amazingly"With the help of NEOSPORIN® Ointment, all your cuts and scrapes get the benefit of fast healing. Using NEOSPORIN® Ointment and a bandage helps heal minor wounds four days faster than a bandage alone." While Bactine has also shown to be effective in treating scrapes,scratches,and killing germs,not surprisingly,moms in the United States continue to purchase both ointments for minor abrasions . As a matter of fact "Bactine Original First Aid Liquid has provided soothing infection protection for over 50 years. It relieves the pain and itch of minor cuts, scrapes and burns on contact as it kills germs. Plus, unlike hydrogen peroxide, it does not sting."




*March 2011

Recycling,A Growing Popular Trend in American Homes: Getting the Waste Out Safely.

A Growing Popular Trend In American Homes:Keeping our landfills free of non-biodegradable products has been a challenge for many years for a tantamount of American consumers and shoppers ;veritably,American consumers and shoppers purchase a lot stuff each year from grocery stores, chain stores,department stores, and mall outlets without even considering if the item or product is biodegradable. What is a biodegradable item or product? Basically a biodegradable product is one that's "made of substances that will decay relatively quickly as a result of the action of bacteria and break down into elements such as carbon that are recycled naturally" Encarta ® World English Dictionary

In other words, biodegradable products do not keep form and over a given time decompose into harmless waste. Remarkably,with the advancement in science and technology, manufactures have begun to make many of the products American consumers purchase daily biodegradable such as shampoos,plastics,totes,t-shirts,paper towels,laundry detergents, light bulbs, and cleaning fluids.Indeed,recognizing a biodegradable item for some consumers and shopper might not be readily apparent for that reason consumers should take the time to read labels and in some instances look to see if the recycling symbol is on the product.

Getting the waste out safely:

Earth911.com is a great web site to visit,it has a plethora of information on recycling plus it 's easy for visitors to find recycling centers with help of its search engine located on the site.Most importantly,Earth911.com is doing their part to spread the word and Get the Waste Out Safely.


*February 2011

Internet Dating:How to stay safe on a date and reduce the

risk of becoming prey for scams:

    • The Meeting Place

    • For some men and women finding a date or even a potential mate can become a full--time job especially for older women,divorced women, and single moms__ in particular might have a harder time finding a date or potential mate more so than the college graduate and the average man or woman in their mid-twenties. A tantamount of men and women meet at work,church functions,fundraisers,laundry mats,grocery stores,theaters and music concerts. Ostensibly,today more and more men and women are choosing to meet through social networks sites. And with the increase of chat rooms,dating and social sites meeting new people on the internet remains one of the most accessible as well as highly visible public and private dating connections.

    • Who's At Risk

    • Anyone with internet access risk the potenial of being scammed or being prey to scammers.In fact,thousands of Americans fall prey to internet scams each year. Spam mail remains one of the many methods scammers put into action to reach potential and sometimes unsuspecting internet attendants.

    • 8 simple steps to reduce risk of internet dating scams

      • (1)confirm email and identity

      • (2)meet during daylight hours

      • (3)tell a friend or family member plus let them know how long the date is to last and where the date is to take place.

      • (4) keep a credit card or debit card on hand in case of an emergency

      • (5)text friends or family members to let them know how the date is going.

      • (6) remember TMI too much information is the same TLI too little information Therefore,it's best to keep conversation general and use discretion when discussing family members and co-workers

      • (7)Keep cell phone on vibrate

      • (8)conclude the evening in a simple and courteous manner such as "Glad to have met you and I'll KIT (keep in touch) with you

      • *January 2011

      • Responsible Drinking:Mixed Drinks Anyone?

      • ''Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that has a depressant effect. A high blood alcohol content is usually considered to be legal drunkenness because it reduces attention and slows reaction speed."---http://www.ask.com/wiki/Alcoholic_beverage

      • " A driver involved in a motor vehicle crash is considered alcohol-impaired if he or she exhibits a BAC of .08 or greater"---http://www.alcoholalert.com/drunk-driving-statistics.html

      • Mistaken Identity

      • You wouldn't leave your credit card on a department store counter, or give your personal Id to a complete stranger or leave your car running with the keys in the ignition but would you leave your mixed drink on the bar counter unattended to hit the dance floor then return to the bar counter an pick up the same drink?

      • Minimum age ,the debate continues... memory book,senior picture,yearbook,senior cruise,prom and graduation,Senior year of high school for most high school students remains and contains some of the most memorable moments in their life. Without a question, senior year of high school for seniors is definitely an important as well as defining moment for high school seniors. Customarily, it is a time when high school seniors prepare to attend four year universities and community colleges in the end leaving behind a close knit community of friends and teachers to enter the adult world of part/full time jobs, driving cars,and paying rent. At the same time, it is during senior year for a large number of high school seniors that emphasis is placed on driving in addition to focusing on the different kinds of cars on a dealers lot. For many students towards the last year of high school,driving is equally as important as senior graduation and being accepted into a top notch university. Unequivocally, senior year in high school is also the time some high school students acquire other responsibilities such as handling credit cards,applying to college, driving and drinking alcoholic beverages. In fact,while a large number of high school students prepare to graduate, a tantamount of high school seniors include learning to drive and getting their first car as part of their graduation plan. Admittedly, a lot of responsibility is placed on the shoulders of many high school seniors especially those who plan to drive their last year of high school. In some instance certain public schools offer driver ed to students. Veritably, driving a car comes with great responsibility. Although, student in the Unites States have the choice of applying for a restricted license at the age sixteen, it is required by law that an adult must accompany them at all times. Of course, turning eighteen,applying for a driver's license and entering senior year of high school for many students is symbolic of adulthood. As high school seniors exercise their rights the debate continues on to whether or not high school seniors should be allowed to drink. In 1984, the National Minimum Age Act received lots of attention from young men and women who felt if they could buy cigarettes and join the military at eighteen then they should be allowed to drink. At any rate the National Minimum Age Act enacted in 1984,specifically set the minimum age to legally drink at 21, today it is enforced throughout the United States. Reportedly,law makers enacted the National Minimum Age Act to prevent the number of under age traffic fatalities and injuries. As result of the dangers of drinking and driving, students throughout the United States with the assistance of National campaigns and MADD (Mother's Against Drunk Driving) has been encouraged not to drink and drive.

      • Who's buying & What's in a name? Strawberry Daiquiri, Fuzzy Navel, Exotic Berry, Margarita, Piña Colada, Classic Original, Tropical Mango, Blue Hawaiian, Strawberry Margarita, Raspberry Pomegranate, Body Shot Lime, Mojito, and Sangria,Blackberry, Raspberry Daiquiri, Strawberry Cosmopolitan, Melon Splash, Apple Passion,...Coors,Millers,Budweiser,Budlight,Heineken,Corona,Jose Cuervo,Jack Daniels,Smirnoff,Barcardi,Seagrams,&Bartle & Jaymes, "The United States produces 196 million barrels of beer in 2009,and consumes roughly 20 gallon (75.8 L) of beer per capita annually..."---http://www.ask.com/wiki/Beer-in-the-United-States

      • Sold in convenience stores,local chain stores,restaurants and gas stations, American consumers and shoppers have the choice of purchasing an alcoholic beverage at a variety of locations in the United States. Egregiously, alcoholic beverages to some consumers is just as well liked as soft drinks and soda pop. However, American consumers and shoppers almost rarely read about a soda or soft drinker being arrested for driving under the influence of carbonated water or read reports of traffic accidents being caused by soda pop. Although, alcoholic beverages remains prevalent in many grocery stores and chain stores certainly purchasing an alcoholic beverage comes with great responsibility. In 2007,15,387 alcohol-related fatalities occurred in the United States, a year later in 2008 13,846 alcohol-related fatalities ocurred within the United States. Normally,acronyms such as BAC which refer to " Blood-alcohol concentration: the percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream: under the laws of most states, a BAC of 0.10 is the legal definition of intoxication,..." and DUI which refers to Driving Under the Influence is frequently asserted in describing alcohol related accidents.

      • A carbonated fruity drink with low alcohol content,wine cooler since the early eighties has remain popular among American Consumers. Not Surprisingly, the mass appeal plus attraction to wine coolers among American consumers especially young adult mainly derives from the variety flavors and the various brand names in addition to the low alcohol content. Typically, most wine coolers only contain 3.2% alcohol. Finally,"Who's Buying?" In short,the only American consumers and shoppers who's permitted to buy alcohol within the United States remains as stated in the National Minimum Age all adults twenty-one and older with valid ID. And lastly, "What's in a name?" According to American consumers and shoppers, the names of drinks is important as taste, especially, among college students,singles, and professional drinkers;for instance, Jose Cuervo has one of the highest sales of Tequila than any other brand.

      • Who's responsible the bartender, the cashier, or the consumer? To conclude ,from the seller to the buyer, responsible drinking occurs when everyone does their job, follow the rules,and take action when a drinker exceeds the limit.Ultimately,at the end of the day consumer safety is bestowed on the bartender who checks for Id and offers to call a taxi, the cashier who does not sell alcohol to minors or under age friends, and the consumer who buys alcohol only for friend within the legal drinking age and makes a point not to drink and drive. In regards to responsible drinking,Mixed drinks anyone?

        • *November 2010

        • Travel Safety:What every shopper and consumer should know before traveling abroad,Travel Watch&Warnings.

        • Burnudi,Yemen,Syria,Japan,Uzbekistan,Mexico,Burkina Faso,Nigeria,Cote d'Ivoire,Lebanon,Algeria,Mauritania,Afghanistan,Mali,Eritrea,Libya,Pakistan,Haiti,Nepal,

        • Sudan,Kenya,and Somalia,all of these countries have been issued either a travel watch or warning by theTravel.state.gov as countries " that pose significant security risk to U.S citizens" Since the Gulf wars,September 11th,as well as political unrest and gang violence in certain countries, Homeland Security has taken extra precautions to secure our nations boarders and airports.Each year, millions of American consumers and shoppers travel throughout the United States and abroad. Not surprisingly,in the United States most consumers and shoppers in previous years has chosen to travel during the summer months and on holidays such as 4th of July, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.Veritably,most consumer and shoppers choose to travel for various reason including to take long awaited vacations to exotic locations or theme parks as well as to visit family and friends.And let's not forget the mode of transportation,without a question the mode of transportation is just as important as the destination.Because of the threat to our nations boarders and airports,a tantamount of American consumers remain cautious about traveling in the United States and abroad,in some instances consumers have altered their traveling plans to certain countries. For instance, a large number college students headed to Florida instead of Mexico for Spring Break this year and last year due to gang violence.At the beginning of the eighties and well into the nineties the airline and travel industry had become one the thriving industries in the United States. Today after several defunct airlines and merges,the airline and travel industry grapples with bringing back American consumer to airports and choosing air travel as a mode of travel versuses driving automobiles.Unequivocally,the economic recession of 2008 greatly impacted the auto,airline, and travel industry;in fact,"Up until the 2008-2009 recession,air travel had grown by about 7 percent annually over 10 years,with an estimated 1.5 billion passengers taking to the air last..."As a result of the recession,consumer travel by cars and airplanes has significantly declined. Although, tourism and travel has decline in the United States ,admittedly, a myriad of consumers and shoppers continue to travel abroad. Finally,before traveling abroad here just a few simple actions all consumer should take before boarding the plane check to see if the country has issued a travel warning or alert, prepare proper Id (passport,birth certificates,and state Id) carry the minimum number of valuables, and as suggested by http://travel.state.gov/travel/tips/safety/safety_1747.html enroll in the Smart Traveler Program.As part of keeping American consumers safe the US Department of States periodically issue travel warnings and alerts.In short,civil unarrest,dangerous conditions and terrorist acivity often is some of the primary reason the government issues travel warnings in the United States. Basically, a travel warning is issued when long term, extended, unfavorable, conditions exist in a country and the American government ability to assist American citizens could become difficult. In other instances travel alerts is all that is required to keep American citizens out harm way. Typically, a travel alert informs American citizens of short term threats in a country such as Typhoons,earthquakes, violence onset from demostrations and elections. Lastly both travel warnings and travel alerts gets issued by the government.

        • *December 2010

        • Fad Diets: Dieting during the holidays.