Food Store Closing: Special Ingredients

Post date: Jan 23, 2012 4:52:32 PM

Envision having your favorite meals prepared every night by a gourmet chef, in your home, at your favorite restaurant, or even on an airplane. Of course, having a gourmet meal prepared would require some pretty special ingredients; first, you'd have to pick a recipe for the chef before buying those special ingredients. Next, there's that colossal task of finding those special ingredients to make those gourmet meals. Exactly, where does one begin to look for those special ingredients to make gourmet meals? For many American consumers and shoppers the making of a gourmet meal begins with a trip to their local grocery store. If you're like me, who at a young age had been taught the most important meals of the day never change and had been etched stone; you’ve more than likely become so accustom to shopping for breakfast, lunch and dinner whenever you’re in the grocery store. To add to the fact that on any given shopping trip, you might agree with me when I say "food for thought" is not a cliche, it's one of life's mantra. Although, a tantamount of American consumers and shoppers do not have a gourmet chef at their disposal, it doesn’t stop them from having a balanced diet and a nutritional meal daily. A fussy and picky eater from a very young age, I like to make in person visits to the grocery store. Veritably, I’m not only fussy and picky about the food that I choose to eat, also, I'm fussy and picky about the places where I buy my food. Now,like most consumers and shoppers, I normally buy ingredients for my favorite recipes at the local grocery store. As a consumer and shopper, I have shopped for a lot of stuff throughout the years, truthfully, I learned at a young age to not take grocery shopping lightly. Even today, the grocery shopping lessons I learned at a young have stuck with me into adulthood. Nowadays, if you find a grocery store that carries the ingredients to make your favorite meal, it should be the first store you shop before heading to a fast food restaurant. And in all honesty, that’s what I began doing in 2008 during the economic recession, hitting the grocery store instead of fast food restaurants. Certainly__ having a local grocery store within the community I reside made it easy to stay away from fast food restaurants. Thus, you could at best imagine my shock and disbelief of learning the news that Bottom Dollar Food Store ,a local grocery store that I frequently announced they would closing several of their stores one of which happened to be in my community. After several years of shopping at Bottom Dollar Food Store, I had been caught off guard, in the second week of January when the news broke that the people who manage Bloom, Food Lion and Bottom Dollar would be closing stores throughout the United States. A few days later, I posted the following comment on Face book,”Contrary to popular belief, I actually liked Bottom Dollar, although, there’s always room for improvement…”

Straightforwardly speaking, the closing of Bottom dollar Food store__ I found to be somewhat upsetting but the people who manage Bottom Dollar Food Store also manage Food Lion and in that respect, it’s not a total wipeout__ since, Food Lion carry some of the same items as Bottom Dollar food Store.