Editor Note,August 2013

Post date: Jul 28, 2013 10:42:18 PM

Welcome new beginnings__,give them your full attention for they only last a moment; face your fears__,you're more than the deepest fear and blackest nightmare held in your subconscious;embrace your pain__,it's there to remind you that you're human;turn your obstacles into learning points;extend your reach__,nobody has ever gotten somewhere without a teacher,an instructor,a map,a sketch,a blueprint,a GPS, a tour guide and a mentor;push a little further,set goals,make a plan of action,revise and edit old ideas,do that something or one thing you can do. Lastly,I say to each of you young and young at heart,remember the path your ancestors and forefathers secured for your fundamental rights,help keep the path free from corruption,crime,paroxysms,denigration,aspersion,and censorship. Above all,and in every task you (the disabled,the homeless ,the middle class,unemployed,divorced,single moms,displaced workers,(distressed,discourage citizen,)parent,teacher,student,Grandparents,consumer and shopper seek to accomplish___in every task Pray for the best,Prepare for the worst and expect Exponential growth.---Editor-in-Chief of the csaccac eNewsletter,cacjohnson

August 2013

A message from the Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

Earth to Mars___,let me look into my crystal ball,__ah,__I see,you stumbleupon this page indavertently,wait that's for you,and this is for fans,followers and subscriber,so,you decided to check in to see if residuals from the summer psyche vibes is still in effect. Wait a second my crystal ball is acting up,it looks as if some of the side effects might of worn off due to changes in weather,but that doesnt mean the psyche vibes has left the planet.

Inside this csaccac eNewsletter,People,Places,Things,and stuff that makes you wanna know more. Superb,you couldnt have stopped by at a better time,there's still a little sun and heat outside,__and Im just settling down to put the finishing touches on this month's eNewsletter,it looks as if Im ahead of schedule,this doesnt happen often. Truthfully,Im kinda shocked because Im still in summer mode and I havent quite gotten out of my summer customs,craze,and summer attitude. And,if you must know,I attribute the strange,unusual,and qiurky behavior to the warmer weather. Usually,I feel at my best and energized during the summer months. As you probably can tell by now,Im not quite ready to pack away the summer__tude. But dont let the attitude fool you,Im equally enthused and hopeful that the Fall;specifically,the Fall Back to School season will be just as productive,wonderriffic,and as good as the 2013 summer. Let's face it,once you think about there's so much fun stuff that happens each summer its always missed every time it fades away. Great escapes,Exotic Getaways,Fairytale vacations,the summer is usually the time when parents,students,teachers,and faculty take a break from it all to indulge in the simple pleasures of life ;although,in some instances it's the more plush,opulent,extravangant and luxurious things of life.Refreshed,revived,feeling in full swing,summer weather is a great serotonin uptake,along with chocolate and caffeine. Does weather,fashion,food,or music determine your attitude? What motivates you? What inspires you? What makes you wanna get up,Speak up,Speak out and Be heard? Before the years end ,this Fall students,parents,teachers,and faculty will have the opportunity to explore these questions along with a lot of other real life and social questions. Unbelievable,totally unbelievable,it has been almost forty-something years since I first began my first Back-to-School tradition. And in all honesty,Im not big on brags at least not the mean,evil and spiteful ones but I am however big on tradition. For that reason,I took a few minutes in this month's eNewsletter to reflect on some of my favorite Back-to-School tradition; for example, shopping for school supplies,reading requirements,volunteering,getting back into instructional mode,finding your niche,and helping students create their own niche,brand,and uniqueness. Aside from money,those of you who work in the private sector or as an entreprenuer,What really motivates you? Back in the day,when teachers or faculty would ask students that question ,it never failed that a smart alec student would answer lunch. Seriously,What really motivates you?Is it promotions,vacations,accolades,fashion ,trend,cars or the finish product. You might be surprise that some of the same stuff that motivates you motivates students. Like most adults,youll frequently find amyriad of students motivated by some of the same things and stuff that motivates adults. How do you keep the momentum going? Is it with a daily affirmation,music,exercise,food,or a familiar quote,axiom,or truism that you learned from a parent,teacher or mentor. Powerful thoughs and words could be great motivators,image hearing cliches such as "Pull yourself up by your bootstrap";"Dont let anyone tell you what you cant do";"Count your blessing,big and small.";"There's plenty of fish in the sea.";"Work smart not harder.";"Hardwork is rewarding.";"Why put off tomorrow what you can do today?";"Be the best you that you can be";"You can achieve if you believe it.";"Experience is the best teacher.";"If you cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.";"You cant put a price on freedom.";You cant make an omelette without breaking an egg." ;"Inspiration is 99% aspiration and 1% Perspiration" after a while such cliches like affirmations gets ingrained in your psyche,it is there but you havent activated this powerful tool. Cliches,adages,proverbs,and old wise tales,Ive heard them all my life. Unfortunately,the wisdom,the reality,and truth of some cliches as well as adages often doesnt kick in until in the face of adversity. How often have you heard someone aver,proclaim,and declare"had I known that when I was younger things might of turned out differently." Frequently,guided by the lessons,experiences,and life of those closest to us,it's a good way to avoid mistakes. And at the same time,it allows us to make our own mistakes,it free each us to make our own choices. Maybe you do have a special affiirmation,adage,and cliche,that stuck with you from childhood ,or your college years. It could be a cliche that your parent,grandparent,teacher,best friend,or mentor spoken frequently,but you have just havent activated this powerful tool. Without a question all sorts of things and stuff motivates us as well students,seemingly,it those words spoken by a parent ,teacher,friend,or mentor that stick with us,drives us,and determines the kind of motivation a person will call upon and conjure forth. Happy or Sad? Enthusiastic or Disinterested? Excited or Lanquid? Anxious or Nervous? In high spirits or Low spirits? Straight forwardly speaking,there isnt much you can do about the summer coming to an end____.No ifs ands or buts about it,honestly,there's no reason for you to become overly irate or despondent if you havent completed your summer to do list. First things first,go grab your journal,planner or just enter the list into the note section of your Smart Phone in the same manner you would write a wish list or a bucket list,list all of the stuff you couldnt complete this summer then date it,lastly,reschedule it for next year's summer__this way all of the task and stuff you couldnt complete this summer will be at the top of next summer's to do list,it should be the very first thing you see on your summer to-do -list.I hope this is some constellation to you at least for now. Anyhow,if youre like me or remotely like me,I know how important summer is to you because Im a person originally from Florida who loves being engaged in outdoor activities during the summer months . Yes,I know youll probably really miss the warmer weather but the great thing about summer it happens every year. Looks as if Im nearing the end of this month chat,with a few loose ends to tie up,Im rounding out the summer chat,bringing it to close with task and stuff I completed and performed in summer 2013. Basically,Im concluding the summer chat to get psyched up about the Fall including Fall stuff. Eventhough,I stayed close to home this summer,on a limited budget,I seized the summer weather and optimized the moment to connect,and network with family and friends.

Earth to Mars___,let me look into my crystal ball,__ah,__I see,you stumbleupon this page indavertently,wait that's for you,and this is for fans,followers and subscriber,so,you decided to check in to see if residuals from the summer psyche vibes is still in effect. Wait a second my crystal ball is acting up,it looks as if some of the side effects might of worn off due to changes in weather,but that doesnt mean the psyche vibes has left the planet.

Inside this csaccac eNewsletter,People,Places,Things,and stuff that makes you wanna know more. ,you couldnt have stopped by at a better time,there's a little sun and heat outside,__and Im just settling down to put the finishing touches on this month's eNewsletter,it looks as if Im ahead of schedule,this doesnt happen often. Truthfully,Im kinda schocked because Im still in summer mode and I havent quite gotten out of my summer customs,craze,and summer attitude. And,if you must know,I attribute the strange,unusual,and qiurky behavior to the warmer weather. Usually,I feel at my best and energized during the summer months. As you probably can tell by now,Im not quite ready to pack away the summer__tude. But dont let the attitude fool you,Im equally enthused and hopeful that the Fall;specifically,the Back to School will be just as productive,wonderriffic,and ad good as the 2013 summer. Let's face it,once you think about there's so much fun stuff that happens each summer its always missed every it fades away. Great escapes,Exotic Getaways,Fairytale vacations,the summer is usually the time when parents,students,teachers,and faculty take a break from it all to indulge in the simple pleasures of life ;although,in some instances it's the more plush,opulent,extravangant and luxurious things of life.Refreshed,revived,feeling in full swing,summer weather is a great serotonin uptake,along with chocolate and caffeine. Does weather,fashion,food,or music determine your attitude? What motivates you? What inspires you? What makes you wanna get up,Speak up,Speak out and Be heard? ,this Fall students,parents,teachers,and faculty will have the opportunitu to explore these questions along with a lot of other real life and social questions. Unbelievable,totally unbelievable,it has been almost forty-something years since I first began my first Back-to-School tradition. And in all honesty,Im not big on brags at least not the mean,evil and spiteful ones but I am however big on tradition. For that reason,I took a few minutes in this month's eNewsletter to reflect on some of my favorite Back-to-School tradition; for example, shopping for school supplies,reading requirements,volunteering,getting back into instructional mode,finding your niche,and helping students create their own niche,brand,and uniqueness. Aside from money,those of you who work in the private sector or as an entreprenuer,What really motivates you? Back in the day,when teachers or faculty would ask students that question ,it never failed that a smart alec student would answer lunch. Seriously,What really motivates you?Is it promotions,vacations,accolades,fashion ,trend,cars or the finish product. You might be surprise that some of the same stuff that motivates you motivates students. Like most adults,youll frequently find amyriad of students motivated by some of the same things and stuff that motivates adults. How do you keep the momentum going? Is it with a daily affirmation,music,exercise,food,or a familiar quote,axiom,or truism that you learned from a parent,teacher or mentor. Powerful thoughs and words could be great motivators,image hearing cliches such as "Pull yourself up by your bootstrap";"Dont let anyone tell you what you cant do";"Count your blessing,big and small.";"There's plenty of fish in the sea.";"Work smart not harder.";"Hardwork is rewarding.";"Why put off tomorrow what you can do today?";"Be the best you that you can be";"You can achieve if you believe it.";"Experience is the best teacher.";"If you cant stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.";"You cant put a price on freedom.";You cant make an omelette without breaking an egg." ;"Inspiration is 99% aspiration and 1% Perspiration" after a while such cliches like affirmations gets ingrained in your psyche,it is there but you havent activated this powerful tool. Cliches,adages,proverbs,and old wise tales,Ive heard them all my life. Unfortunately,the wisdom,the reality,and truth of some cliches as well as adages often doesnt kick in until in the face of adversity.