2012 Theme for the National Women's History Project

Post date: Mar 5, 2012 7:44:30 PM

Women’s Education – Women’s Empowerment

Equality in all areas of education, equality in the workplace, equal pay, equal representation, and equal opportunity for all women, since the beginning of the Women's Right Movement and Feminist Movement, the role of women in society has expanded. As a result, women's role in society is no longer a one sided view or a narrow street partly because of women's education. Unequivocally, Women's Education has assisted in improving the quality of life for women. Veritably, women's history is an extensive one filled with struggle, strife, barriers, discrimination, demands, change and opposition. While women's history is filled with opposition, clearly, women's education has leaded the way to women's empowerment. Care givers, nurturers, and providers by nature, women’s education has expanded the role of women to include such descriptions as mentors, motivators, educators and leaders. Initially, at the rudimentary stages of American History women who considered getting an education often met opposition and adverse reactions. Although, the Women's Right Movement and Feminist Movement has help to expand the roles of women in society, surely, the success of both of these movements has been the education of women and women educating other women. Today, in the United States 60 Women's colleges exist, and add to the fact a myriad of women attend state universities and colleges that accept both sexes. Archaic in our time, the school of thought that education should only be for men is now nearly defunct. Women's education began as a thought, and then became part of a movement and eventually an equal opportunity. Women's education for decades has received much approval, support recognition and encouragement from grandmothers, mothers, single mothers, daughters and sister girl friends. Without the Women's Right Movement, Feminist Movement, education and empowerment , today's woman would be subject to one role that of domestication. To conclude, to effectively empower women with the tools to be successful in today's society, education must be a pre-requisite, not an afterthought or optional, Women's Education and Women 's Empowerment is not invariable, it is dynamic and constantly changing; therefore, as women it is important that each of us remember the Women's Right Movement and Feminist Movement as well as the importance of each movement and how both movements has help improve the quality of life for all women. As you can see and tell,despite the rate or speed that Women's Right progress , each of us must remember that Women's Education - Women's Empowerment began with women demanding equality .