What I've Been Up-To Away From the Desk.

Post date: Aug 27, 2015 5:30:39 AM

From the desk of the Editor,Founder & President of csaccac;2015, Ive spent much of the time way from the desk, and I actually do have a desk. What Ive been up-to this year, for starters a larger portion of the time away from the desk I focused on registered classes at Strayer, more specifically required course work. As for the other portion of the time, I divided time between my blog, websites, and other job related tasked. Along with classes at Strayer, the Author Corner on my blog consumed a large portion of my time away from the desk. August is back to school month, when students begin to return to class, I enter into a break from classes and the down time as I like to call it begins. The picture to left is all of the books and papers I accumulated since beginning class in 2012 it is very much time consuming it requires a lot of reading, memorizing facts & formulas, and scholarly writing, there’s been moments that Ive questioned if is worth it fulling my mind with all of this information in the presence of Gang and gun violence, even more so during war, economic crisis, racial tension, political dissension which make life seem impossible and unbearable then at other times I worry if my brain is going to conk out(lights out) so far Ive been Lucky. Probably at this point, it has been as I like to describe a long hard fight to reach this point, the end of semester with brain cells intact. As August hits, I’ve been taking classes throughout the year, in fact, the class schedule Strayer varies from the public school schedule. At any rate, I wanted to take a moment to let members, readers, and sponsors know what Ive been up to mainly because the csaccac eNewsletter and Editor’s Note for the year isn’t current some of this is impart to the internet connection, the other impart finding the time to put my thoughts onto paper. Between classes and organizing the clutter in my life, the scheduled monthly blogging and Editor Note I put on hold to keep from falling behind in my classes. While away from the desk I listened to lots of music on my Smart Phone, Searched Apps, Updated csaccac highlights watched tons of Dvd’s of shows I missed during regular air date, I performed many of these task as I mentally worked on my third book “Every Girl’s Guide to Shopping On a Budget”. Speaking of what Ive been up to, a semester two while away from the desk, I rediscovered PBS News hour in my economics classes and now Ive put PBS back into my nightly schedule. Some of the task Ive worked away from the desk includes selecting the Product of month, and a big time consumer is organizing all of the receipts Ive accumulated from each month. One good thing about the csaccac Highlights even when I am away from the desk I can always go to the highlights to get and look at important dates, as well as reminders, and also review items that has to be completed before the end of the month or year. And it never fails with all task and job related task I have perform throughout the year from classes to shopping on a budget, I have a lot to write about it’s just a matter of finding the time and putting pen to paper. I Thank each of you for your time, cooperation and patience, you know I love to chat and I'm glad to have this time to chat with you about What Ive Been Up to and, I look forward to chatting with you inside an Editor Note.


Founder & President csaccac Inc;

Jamala M Johnson