Editor's Pick Top 15 Android Apps & Top 5 Web Browsers

Post date: Oct 3, 2015 4:13:54 AM

From the Desk of the Editor;

Top Five Web Browsers

1. & Google Chrome

2. FireFox


4. UC Browser

5. Opera Mini

From the Desk of the Editor;

With world events,local news and news happening across globe that seems like every 15 seconds having the right apps at your fingertips on Smart phone,Phablet, or tablet makes a whole lot of sense,the importance of being connected to other parts of the world is becoming much more important than in previous decades as society evolves and begins to mesh together. It is no secret, the app world is constantly growing with new apps being introduced just about every minute,how do you choose the right apps?Throughout the year as Editor, Founder and President of csaccac Inc; I use a variety of apps daily to keep the clutter in my life to a minimum. A loyal Android user and Virgin Mobile customers, the apps selected for Editor’s Pick Top 15 Android Apps, I use frequently on both my Smart phone and Tablet. With so many apps to choose to from,how do you choose the right apps?, in most situations, the apps a consumer or shopper chooses depends on the type of Smartphone ,the OS platform, and mobile carrier once a consumer or shopper checks out those main reqs than the selection of apps become much narrow. As Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc, I chose my apps based on functionality and performance,basically does the app performs as the developers says. Everyone’s situation is a little different, I'm big on Google and love to stay update on Google news. What I should of said first when mentioning apps,I love Google,and I love Google Play Store for the many apps it offers consumers and shoppers. Of course, I must really love Google because if you’ve ascertained or taken a close look at this website it is powered by Google. Like Yahoo,Google is a powerhouse for all things Google plus a whole lot of other Google stuff. For one Google is a great place for editing docs, keeping notes,and storing photos, I first started out using the Google browser then gradually began working with some of Google’s other apps while building my websites. A frequent Google user and viewer, I stuck it out with both Yahoo and Google as they transitioned from being just a web browser with improved services. As much as I like Yahoo,Google is the one main place where I go to download apps onto my SmartPhone and tablet (Nexus 7),I haven't completely given up on Yahoo ,after all it is the place of the fundraising site www.cacjohnson.com. The truth is, I am able to do a lot more with Google products and services. 2015, the apps selected , I downloaded from Google PlayStore and few of the apps like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube is pre loaded onto my tech gadgets, if you compare this list to last years list 2014 not much has change in my app world other than I've tried a few new apps (floating stickies,AllCast,Cheetah Mobile) for the most part my app staple (world) is pretty much solid.

Top 15 Android Apps for 2015

(1.)Jango Radio Youtube ,& Vevo (2.) Google Keep (3.)IMDb(4.)AccuWeather (5)Adobe Acrobat Reader (6.)Netflix,Flixster,&Crackle (7.)Pic Art (8.)ChromeCast & AllCast(9.)Floating Stickies(10.)Drippler (11.)Dictionary.com (12)Meetme (13)LinkedIn (14) Twitter (15)Facebook *Amazon Kindle *Nook * Pocket * NoteEverything *Notepad