2016 October Editor's Note

Post date: Jan 22, 2017 6:03:44 AM

Are you sure,That we are awake ? It seems to me that yet we sleep,we dream” ---Puck,A Midsummer Night's Dream.

A message from the Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

Lots to share this month,it is great to have a few minutes to chat with you,I've been here at the csaccac working on the best direction and step to take in the next chapter of my life and as well as the csaccac.

Putting all of that aside,October is One of the few times during the year when consumers and shoppers get the chance to act out their favorite characters from television and film. With year coming to a near end instead of beginning the chat with updates and traditions, I first want to reflect for a few minutes on the events of the year. While October is widely known for the Halloween tradition, October is also great month to reflect on the events of the year. 2016, much has happened from the 2017 Presidential Election, to my June Graduation from Strayer, of course there’s the Black Lives Matter movement, and the untimely death of two music biggest entertainers. As I reflect upon the year, 2016 has had it share of small and big achievements ;for instance, International Day of the Girl other strides of achievement include Breast and Ovarian Cancer Awareness.

At the start of this Editor Note,I opened with the mention of tradition, specifically, the Halloween tradition,unequivocally,the year has been very eventful for that reason it seems a little too superficial to begin with tradition when there's a whole other side to 20l6 besides costumes and traditions. From outbreaks of disease (Ebola and Zika)to modern day miracles(Lost and Found),20l6 has certainly been an eventful year,a year that has caught the attention of the world (from) political upheaval,dissention among voters to the impending crisis overseas (Africa and Syria), to (Brexit).

In review of the year, I concluded as Ive stated previous Editor Notes it is not the death of the person that is most significant it is their life's work and the lives that were touch by their presence on this earth that is the most important.