Editor Note : July 2017

Post date: Aug 17, 2017 1:33:40 AM

Opinion is that exercise of the human will which helps us to make a decision without information.---John Erskine

Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting---Edmund Burke

A Message from the Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

Two diametrically opposed schools of thought, "What do you think" and "What is your opinion". Write with a passion and purpose even when everyone is reading and when no one is reading;I write to clear the clutter of my life,to organize goals, to hear my thoughts, and to give meaning to life. Editor's write about all sorts of stuff_ most try to make an Editor Note relevant to modern day events. When I began writing for bloggers and readers, I'd put little thought into the fact of what I was thinking or that my opinion would influence the opinion and thoughts of others. As Ive stated_,a product of a public school education, I knew that whatever I write should reflect the morals and values instilled from K thru 12,if anything how I want to be viewed as an Author,Blogger,Editor, writer,human being, and person. twice the Luv,Lots of Love,Savor the Flavor and enjoy the chat.

Summers come and go; and with each summer being different from the next,there's much to learn from summer's lessons. From finances to relationships, the summer month is usually a time when each of us learn something new about ourselves and others; it is also a time that test one's character. For the youth,young adults and teens summer months is a time of both the great and not-so- great. From this Editor's point of view,the summer is also a great time to gather ideas,sit with one's thought, to write for self and not so much for the inner critic. Much is going on in the world and depending where you stand or sit the atmosphere could be filled with hope and hate,or despair and love. The threat of danger is ever increasing with threats of gang violence and terrorism touching communities, safety is at the top of list for many communities around the world. Summer is often a very active time for youth young adults, and teens, when summer arrives many youth consider it a relief from discipline and the strict regimen often found at home and in public schools. Most of all the summer months is when young adults and teens given into self expression. Facebook,Instagram,Twitter,and a host of other Social Networks,capturing events has become much easier.While it is becoming an apparent truth the images,the stories that each of us is exposed to affects our perception of the world.These days Social Media is allowing young adults and teens to self express themselves in both a positive and negative manner. Recently Facebook and Twitter introduced live streaming of post through video which I opposed on Twitter in this statement "...when engaging positive and responsible behavior" in my opinion live tweets is not socially responsible behavior. Freedom of Speech has become a huge topic within recent years in part to speech used during political and social activism events. A Summer tweet I posted states How each of us respond to life events creates the future of tomorrow.