American Diabetes Month,November 2013

Post date: Nov 25, 2013 11:45:55 PM

From the desk of the Editor,President and Founder of csaccac Inc;

Typically,the holidays are a great time to get re acquainted with family and friends. In fact,for a tantamount of consumers and shoppers,preparation for the holidays begin at home. Among the numerous preparations consumers and shoppers make during the holiday season,holiday shopping often receives its fair share of attention.Throughout the years,many of the traditional holidays has become a big media marketing and advertising circus.Tradition,especially family tradition has been around in my family for many years including the celebration of Thanksgiving,Christmas,and New Years. As a matter fact,I recall the years as a pre teen and teen when I celebrated the holidays with my grandmother and cousins. Back then conversation,food and music often noted the holidays,the focus in those days seemed more about family than stuff. Today,without a question,the holidays are a great time to catch a sale. Sadly,with all of the media advertising and marketing,the reason as well as true meaning of the holiday season through translation has lost meaning over the years.And_,it goes without saying, when consumers and shoppers take a moment away from the commericials,ads,and promotions,they quickly learn that history and religion has contributed to many of the traditional holidays most Americans honor and recognize within the U.S. And yet_, it's not surprising,each year,a myriad consumers and shoppers forge ahead with holiday preparations,at the same time a vast number of retailers,chain stores,and department stores begin making preparations for the holiday season and holiday shoppers with decorations,discounts,and sales. Aside from the commericials,ads,and promotions, there's another side to holiday season that for some consumers and shoppers it requires them to take a closer look at those holiday meals.

Of course,to some consumers and shoppers,the holidays wouldnt be quite right without a large holiday meal with all of the fixins. Egregiously,it's those large holiday meals that puts many consumers and shoppers health at risk. Straight forwardly speaking,in previous years,I often looked forward to the holiday meals prepared by family and friends. Be that as it may,at forty something,and since founding the csaccac Inc,Ive had to re think how I look at those holiday meals as I increase my awareness about diabetes. Condignly fitting,due to the large scale of consumers and shoppers affected by the disease,across the US,the month of November has been designated as American Diabetes Month. Diabetes, a disease that affects millions of American young and old has been identified as a life threatening illness if not detected or treated at the rudimentary stages. So,as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches,I pause to learn the signs and symptoms of diabetes,once again. Thankful for the moment,this holiday season,I seized a opportunity to sit down and talk with my dad who has been living with type II diabetes for more than ten years. Bogged down with distractions and deadlines,the month seem to be getting away from me,until I became resolute to sit down and put pen to paper,right in the moment I became resolute and ready to go to work_ ,I stop to turned my attention to my dad who's visiting for the holidays. As I watched my dad,a diabetic,begin to manage his diabetes,_I instantly recalledthat November has been designated as American Diabetes Month. Truly bless to spend a few days with my dad before the Thanksgiving holiday,I took the opportunity to ask him about how he manages his diabetes. Currently,within the US there's two major kinds of diabetes.Like cancer, there's help and treatment for the disease. Although,there's no known cure,diabetes can be treated.Managing Diabetes: While I watched my dad manage his diabetes,I asked him a few questions. First,I asked "what's the first thing you have to do? then,I asked him "how do you manage your diabetes?" As he completed his daily diabetes regimen,he began to answer my questions.In response to my first question,he stated,first he takes a reading. As part of managing his diabetes,he had to take reading of his blood sugar three times a day. Gracious and even tempered,he showed me the device he uses to monitor his blood sugar. He also showed me his daily diabetes diary that he takes with him on doctor visits. And,in response to my second question ,I concluded that he manages his diabetes with medicine and a balance diet. Because diet plays a vital role in managing diabetes,families who has family members with diabetes might prepare traditional holiday meals differently.With an increase in awareness,over the years,several well known actors,actress,singers,and entertainers have come forward with their diabetes diagnosis,some have even written diabetic cookbooks. Meanwhile,as the American Diabetes Association increase awareness about diabetes,so does the fight to stop diabetes grows.

Signs&Symptons: A few common symptons of diabetes

Perphaps,the main reason I take time out to review diabetes facts each year stems from the fact that I have family members who have been living with diabetes.To conclude,in addition to getting the facts about diabetes,this holiday season make some time to get reacquainted with family and friends.


Jamala M Johnson

Editor,Founder and President of csaccac Inc;