2016, Building Reliability & Trust: Working Towards A BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration) with A Concentration in Retail Management

Post date: Apr 21, 2016 4:42:26 AM

A note from the Desk of Editor;How do you build reliability? A question I entertained several months in the Spring of 2016 while taking business courses at Strayer University.Reliability to potential clients and customers,I consider building reliable essential to the growth and success of the goals I set for csaccac Inc. Speaking truthfully,my concept or notion or reliability has been around for years it’s not a new concept. At the time I began to consider how to build reliability as it related to the online services offered on both of the websites I maintain. After founding csaccac Inc. ,a consumer consultant service, in December of 2009, I began the journey to building reliability in 2010 with of a list task I felt could help to build reliability among members and visitors. As the Founder of csaccac Inc,I felt that if I wanted to be taken seriously then I would have to do more than just design a website with banner and logo that links to a home landing page. Reliability, a term I'm very familiar with_it is a word that has been used over the years at home,at school, and on job interviews. In previous years, I've defined reliability as an action that a person has committed to_this normally includes a person who keep appointments and meet deadlines. As the year progress, I equated reliability to being on the job when you're scheduled and in class as states on your class schedule. Years later,as Founder and President of csaccac Inc, I define reliability as a reliable service part which involves that I make sure csaccac Inc. business website remains accessible,update,and visible to members,patrons,sponsors and visitors. At forty-something the definition of reliability has not change since my first class project,group project,and my first job. Throughout the years, I've observed one of the ways to be reliable starts with being available for customer questions , above everything else to be reliable you must be accessible and visible. For the past six years,as Founder and President of csaccac Inc., I've been accessible and visible online to the public through websites and Social Networks. Other csaccac highlights one of the best way to stay in contact with me has been through my gravatar @ en.gravatar.com/cacj which displays each my contact numbers and business websites. Admittedly, the road to building reliability has not been a one way street,on the other side of the street stands trust.Trust has been and continues to be a two sided coin,in short, trust works both ways. However;in business,the business owner or founder has the responsibility of building trust among customers.