2016 April Editor's Note

Post date: Jul 9, 2016 2:17:55 AM

A message from the Founder & President of csaccac Inc;Flowers in bloom, the hope of good tidings,with life’s bountiful blessings waiting for each of you in April along with the start of a new chat and a fresh start from the many dictates and mandates at home ,at school, and on the job, twice the Luv. It is April,I'm in a good place,I have a lot to chat about, most of all, I'm enthused,pepped up and refreshed_,so let's chat.

If you're twenty-something,thirty-something,forty-something,or even fifty-something then you've probably made your own conclusions and observations about life's lessons,loves,people,places with some consideration and thought to the Days of the Year and each of the twelve months. At forty-something, I've come to embrace the numerous different atmospheres and attitudes often associated to the start of each month. For instance, I usually associate the attitudes of gratitude, kindness and love to the month of April, much of which I largely attribute to the nearness of Easter and Mother’s Day. A fave month since my public school days and Easter Sunday church services, April holds lots of good memories from my youth. Aside from the pleasant memories I associate to April_,one reasons April is one of my fave months the atmosphere is invigorating and inviting. April usually provides perfect moments to get up,get out,and meet new people. As a teen I recall looking forward to Sunday Easter church services and giving Mother’s Day cards to family and friends.Other than traditional holidays, as a student in my teens Spring Break had been the time when I could put the pencil down, take a break from homework, quizzes, and test. In-those-days_,the words Spring Break meant relief from student-life. At forty-something,the thought of Spring Break usually conjures an array of images ;for instance _,sun,beaches,skimpy clothes and Spring Break Jams that I also referred to as break out music. Of course, the Spring Break atmosphere and attitudes traditionally is a lot different than the atmosphere and attitudes exuded around and near Easter and Mother's Day. Usually ,Spring Break for most public schools fall between the months of April or March,even though_ I'm not a teen in the public school or a mom I like to keep up with student-life, the local public school calendar from k thru 12 and events in the community. Speaking of student-life, I've been a student at Strayer for at least three years_at the moment, I think this my either my third or fourth Spring semester at Strayer, I've reached the end of my degree Program with the fate of an anticipated June Graduation remaining subject to or should I say being held hostage to one class as harsh at it might sounds it is the God honest truth,as far as graduation right now I'm on edge hoping for the best. Adult education is much different than my days as teen in public schools two major difference I attend classes at night and the Spring Break schedule is not the same as public schools. While the atmosphere and attitudes is much different,the classroom is a great learning place and it offers a pleasant environment to meet new people. I often find that Spring and Summer in past years of all the seasons both of the two seasons is normally a great time to get up , get out ,and meet new people. While March brough us '' March into Greatness'' April bring us '' Flowers in bloom, the hope of good tidings, and bountiful blessings,'' to be honest with you I'm a little more appreciative of both months after this chat. As Editor I feel that chat each helps to separate reality from fanstasty and fact from ficiton, Life doesn't always make a reality TV show and everyone's perception of reality isn't the same. To keep a check on reality,I like to rummage through my years as a teen, student life,college years to gauge whether if I really have a grip on reality _if you consider all of the dictates and mandates of life one could fall out of reality because of shame ,self hatred,and comparison_straight forwardly speaking I've been taught to not make comparison of individual life's lessons it could be one of those Laws of the Universe. Comparison of life's lessons is somewhat similar to comparing spring break as kids if you're family/wasnt rich enough it would never compare without a white lie and as a Brownie and Girl Scout I took a pledge to be honest. I've got off the beaten path, this chat isn't about comparisons, white lies, or the Girl Scouts, the point I'm reaching for is that student -life and Spring Breaks at forty-something not quit the same and it shouldnt be in a lot of instances life's lessons mold and shapes perception and realities. What is your Perception of March and April? How would describe your reality)? For some student s reality jumps out the window,I used to love MTV Spring Break yeah I'm one of those kids, not every spring break occurred liked a classic tale or a book of fiction. Like March, April is filled with events and seminars that will keep everyone busy especially American Business Woman and other professionals from Tax day to Administrative Professional Day. As a American Business Woman, I began working on my business taxes during the mid-weekmid-week of February the process requires gathering receipt s and making a list of expenses_this is a task that I perform every year since 2010. In addition to tax day, at csaccac Inc. I also recognize Earth Day because I believe saving the earth is as important as the air I(we) breathe. I_also believe recycling is a part of the efforts to saving the earth. A few years back while working to build and design both of the websites, I stumbled upon Earth 911. A helpful site that offers good recycling tips_I personally think it's a great site when you visit the site you'll find a variety of ways to recycle everything from battiers, clothes, and old electronics. I've just about reached the end of this chat, as I prepare to sign off, I leave you with this thought_after forty-something years of being around and living through a couple of Spring Breaks, I believe it doesn't matter if you Spring Break at home or take a Spring Break to exotic Island or hangout with friends or complete strangers on a beach_ wherever you go you take you with you_there’s no escaping you,the saving grace is that Spring Break let's you put the pencil down and take break. ---twice the Luv

Breaking Routine,Gimme A Break_Put th pencil down,it's Spring Break: csaccac eNewsletter & Newsletter is a monthly publication, as Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc., I look forward to continuing the chat with you the (consumer& shopper) in the next csaccac Newsletter,and I thank you for your continued support and look forward to providing you the (consumer& shopper) with the latest in consumer product information. TwtyuL T2yuL ch@wuL IBCUN LoL Cu8L until next month don't forget Lips 2shop n 2save,Savor the Flavor & Get ----Twice the Luv