2013,December's Editor Note

Post date: Feb 8, 2014 1:46:24 AM

Is nothing in life ever straight and clear,the way children see it?"--- Rosie Thomas

A message from the Editor, Founder and President of csaccac Inc;

At birth,they seem to not have a care in the world,they fill lives with wonder and surprise__,too young to know and understand the ills of society,the words__birthday,celebration and tradition haven't even begun to formulate in their minds,children,first babes, see the world through innocence. Children,first babes,bundles of hope,joy, and innoncence,they learn as they grow from people,things,and all the stuff that surrounds them in the beginning stages of their life. Children, first babes who lives often become filled with color pictures, and images,to children the world is a mystical place with unlimited potential to fulfill their every wish. Children,first babes with thoughts and wants, children and especially babes at the rudimentary stages of their life_,children, don't see life,the world and things as adults who have experienced the world in both states, good and bad. As a babe,and to many children the importance of tradition and birthday celebration isn't fully understood until they reach a mature age, in most instances ,until they become a pre-teen or teen. At forty-something,Ive been celebrating birthdays, and honoring tradition since pre_k and kindergarten.Exactly, when I came to understand ,and look forward to birthdays and tradition,__well, that happened somewhere along the timeline while I had been enrolled in public school,if I had to pinpoint the exact the moment tradition became of importance,I more than likely would have to state that it occured in elementary school around third grade. Within the United States, birthdays and Christmas,for a tanamount of consumers and shoppers both traditions often leads to a celebration,and a greater appreciation of life.While the celebration of birthdays for some begins immediately at birth, the tradition of celebrating birthdays dates as far back as BC. Birthdays and Christmas,two days out the year that consumers and shoppers share gifts,help the less fortunate,and give to others. At the same time, birthdays reminds each of us how meaningful our life is to others,it also shows each us the beauty of life,and let's us know that life is worth the living if only to give and help others__than it's a life well spent. Birthday's and Christmas__they both share a special day together along with a special person,Jesus. One special biblical birth told throughout the years,the birth of baby Jesus. As a matter of fact, the celebration of the birth of baby Jesus just so happens to be the bases and foundation of the Christmas holiday. Aside from birthdays, Christmas is the one time of the year that children and adults have the opportunity to live out a day from their youth as well as honor the Christmas tradition. In fact ,for many years,Christmas, a tradition that has been part of the American culture continues to be a time of year that American consumers and shoppers from all different backgrounds come together to share in a tradition that has been a part of the American culture for decades. Weeks and days leading up to Christmas day,consumers and shoppers become the focus of holiday commericials,sales,deals,and bargains. And, in some instance, holiday shoppers even become targets of holiday scams. Despite, the holiday safety risk that's sometimes an unexpected surprise lurking and waiting for unaware and unequipped consumers and shoppers, the Christmas holiday remains a one the biggest shopping tradition and event of the year.Dolefully, throughout the the years the true mean of Christmas has eluded some consumers and shoppers. During the years, Ive met people who have a birthday on Christmas and I kid as Ive heard throughput the years, with a witty comment like "you must really rack up on Christmas" referring to gifts. Admitedly,once you start getting older ,you dont focus on gifts or presents as much on both of the days,instead the days become more of moments of reflection and gaining a new sense of of direction,unlike,babes and children who tend focus more on the celebration,the gifts, and speciality food, I too once a kid couldnt wait to get to school to share gifts,handout specialty cards and discuss holiday plans. Raised on American tradition,Christmas remains one my favorite traditions, Christmas, 2013, it was an eventful Christmas filled lots of activites,and breaking news. 2013,I focused on my Thanksgiving message,living gratitude, as the year began to reach its end, I still hadn't got into the full swing of the Christmas spirit,eventhough, my mom had put up and nicely decorated the Christmas tree my dad bought during his visit, I remain staid on On giving thanks. Days before Christmas, an outdoor Angel was donated from the Church that my mom attends. Once assembled, the all white outdoor Angel was really cool it had wing s that actually folded in and out while holding a trumpet. In speaking of cool, the weather, lived up to its tradition in the month of December, in Virginia I exeperienced with other Viriginias some cold days. While Viriginia experienced some cold weather,the northern part of the United States got hit with a winter storm system. A few of the events I enjoyed during the holiday included watching the Jingle Ball on the CW, holiday shopping at the Peninsula Towne Center, making a holiday ecard to email to members and subcribers and remembering Nelson Mandella,a man who change the future of South of Americans. On Christmas day, I listened to the story of Paul and Jan Crouch on the Cd book audio called "Hello World" , the audio books detail the TBN story. For the most part, in the month of December I along with millions of Americans honored and remembered birthdays of all those who have had an impact on the lives other as well as made history. Certainly, the true meaning of Christmas isn't about gifts or presents,it''s about remembering the life of a man who gave and changed the lives of millions, and whose life story continues to impact each and every person who hears the story about the birth of baby Jesus. 2013,Christmas, it gave birth as does each to a deeper appreciation for life and all of the things life has to offer,most importantly,Christmas 2013 lead me to greater understanding of being of service to others. Now, that Christmas has arrived with all its bells and misletoe__I hope that you find your purpose, and place in life as well as gain a greater understanding of the true mean of Christmas, for now , I m going to conclude this chat,but until the next chat__, and in keeping with tradition, inside this special Christmas Edition of the csaccac eNewsletter, you'll find all your favorites from the Editor picks,to the Product of the month,Shopping tips, and Safety First.

...then came three wise men bearing gifts of Frankenincense&Mirth;Happy Birthday!!!.:The csaccac Newsletter is a monthly publication, as Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc., I look forward to continuing the chat with you the (consumer& shopper) in the next csaccac Newsletter,and I thank you for your continued support and look forward to providing you the (consumer& shopper) with the latest in consumer product information. TwtyuL T2yuL ch@wuL IBCUN LoL Cu8L until next month don't forget Lips 2shop n 2save,Savour the Flavour & Get Twice the Luv---cac