October Breast and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Post date: Oct 7, 2012 1:18:23 AM

From the desk of the Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc.;

"In 2008 approximately 12.7 million cancers were diagnosed(excluding non-melanoma skin cancers) and 7.6 million people died of cancer worldwide" Cancer is a disease that affects people of all ages. Putatively,cancer is considered a deadly disease if it goes undetected and untreated. Admittedly, a variety of cancers exist in the United States.As a matter of fact,it is a disease that affects both men and women. Breast Cancer,Lung Cancer,Prostate Cancer,and Colon Cancer,these commonly known cancers affects millions of Americans each year. In the United States "cancers as a group account for approximately 13% of all deaths each year ..." Remarkably,today,there's a lot of different treatments available to cancer patients.Out of all the various types of cancers that affects individuals,I am especially moved by Breast and Ovarian Cancer Awareness,mainly for the fact,at the age of 41, ,I am single heterosexual women with hopes of having a kid in the near future.Cancer,it is a topic that hits close to home,Throughout the years,Ive watched family members monitor their health because of threats of cancer,and at the same time Ive watched cancer wreak havoc on thousands of consumers and shoppers lives in the United States. On a more personal note,Ive had to deal with threats of Ovarian cancer in my early twenties and Breast cancer in my late thirties. Veritably,I first began to really take note of breast and ovarian cancer during my Sophomore year of college after a visit to Planned Parenthood. Because cancer is one of those childhood disease that has impacted my life at a young age,beginning with lung cancer than later it spark my interest in other cancers such as breast and ovarian cancer partly due to health matters,for the reasons mentioned,I like to pause one month out of the year,specifically,during the month of October to promote and advocate Breast and Ovarian Cancer. As I conclude this note,I want to encourage all consumers and shoppers to learn the signs, the symptons of breast and ovarian cancer plus get the facts about cancer.


Editor,Founder & President of csaccac Inc; Jamala M Johnson