Get the Measuring Cup & Stretch Those Commodities

Post date: Apr 25, 2012 5:21:19 PM

Jan 2012

Get the Measuring Cup & Stretch Those Commodities:

Shopping Dollar Days, Extreme Couponing, and Buying Generic; each of these actions is what some consumers and shoppers implemented into their shopping routine to save, the days of shopping heedlessly ended for many during the 2008 recession. Even with all of the neat tips,guides,and coupons,consumers and shoppers might not want to rule out the measuring cup and stocking up on those commodities to make their hard earn dollars stretch at the grocery store. Often,what is placed inside a consumer or a shoppers grocery cart,in most instances,determines how much they'll have to pay at the checkout counter. Most expert shoppers who save regularly on their grocey bill knows the key to saving is preparing and planning before you walk into a grocery store. Veritably,grocery shopping is one of the many task you might find on a consumer or a shoppers to-do-list and budget plan. Without a question,when making a budget plan consumers and shoppers should always include monthly expenses and task that takes a bite out of their income. If you've already made a budget plan or you've just begun to make a budget plan and stumbled upon the fact that a large portion of your income is spent on groceries then Get the Measuring Cup & Stretch Those Commodities.

Feb 2012

Get the Measuring Cup & Stretch Those Commodities:

How does your grocery bill measure up at the end of each month?

For a tantamount of consumers and shoppers,grocery shopping is one of those task where a large portion of their income is spent. Because of the economic recession in 2008,one of the worst recession in American History since the Great Depression of the 1930's, a myriad of American families,consumers,and shoppers found themselves in financial distress and searching for ways to stretch their dollars at the grocery store.As a result of the recession,a number of American families,consumers, and shoppers found relief in coupons. Couponing,the task of clipping and getting discounts from newspapers and store ads, helped thousands of consumers and shoppers save money in chain stores and grocery stores. Besides shopping Dollar Days,Extreme Couponing,and Buying Generic,some consumers and shoppers got pretty creative in finding ways to save money after the 2008 economic recession. Well after the 2008 economic recession,couponing and budgeting remained at the top of the list for thousands of consumers and shoppers looking for savings and who wanted to reduce the amount of money spent in the grocery stores.While living with my grandmother and aunts, couponing had been one of the many ways my grandmother saved on her grocery bill,along with using a measuring cup nand stocking up on commodities. Breakfast,lunch and dinner frequently referred to as the three most important meals in a day,often for each of these meals, my grandmother used a measuring. Oatmeal,grits,rice,beans,sugar,and coffee, during the years that I lived with my grandmother the use of a measuring cup became a necessity to make meals stretch. Lastly,I have to say it,if your grocery bill at the end of the month is measuring up to a mortgage payment,a credit card payment,a student loan payment or a new wardrobe,then it's time to get the measuring cup and stretch those commodities.

Mar. 2012

Get the Measuring Cup & Stretch Those Commodities:

You've tried it all shopping Dollar Days,Extreme Couponing,and Buying Generic and you're still not happy with your grocery bill at the checkout counter,then it's time for some extreme measuring. Based on the size of your family and the number of people your trying to feed,before going to the grocery store plan each meal and figure out how much of each ingredient to be used to prepare the meal will be require to feed each person.For example,let's say you want to feed four dinner guest a simple meal consisting of ... , while living with my grandmother,it was her job to feed a family of five,as I stated previously,one of her techniques to saving on her grocery bill had been to measure commodities. For example, in the evenings my grandmother planned her meals in addition to how many cups of each ingredient would be required such as rice,beans,flour,usually my grandmother always measured about four cups of rice for each person,and would onlycook about 5 to seven pices of chicken,or hamburger patties for each person. On numerous evenings my grandmother measured her meals frequently. Sure,it sounds extreme but when you have a job of feeding a familyof five the basic instincts start to kick-in. And here's simple observation I observed during the years that I lived with my grandmother, when my grandmother walked out of the grocery store their would be enough grocery in those brown paper bags to feed a family of five____breakfast,lunch,and dinner,without breaking the bank. Fed up with your grocery bill then it"s time for extreme measuring.