csaccac Newsletter

Post date: Oct 23, 2010 5:08:53 PM

With the permission of the Editor, Founder & President of csaccac Inc,all readers have permission to print the following sections:

Lips 2shop & 2save Notes

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*Attachments in descending order with front cover as the final attachment.

Editors Note plus MVP:Tracking Spending Habits & Getting A DMP

to be inserted towards the end of the month. All other insertions also

to be attached towards the end of the month.

[October 2010 MVP: Tracking Spending Habits & Choosing A DMP

In this section of Tracking Spending Habits,I have discussed with consumers and shoppers the following topics; What is a budget? ; How To Make A Budget ;the importance of Getting It On Paper and having A Backup Copy Online or A Disk. Throughout the series Tracking Spending Habits,I briefly discuss each topic listed above and provide examples for readers to quickly reference. Each month, I invited readers to follow me as I tracked my spending habits and share my personal shopping experiences. From January to September, I tracked my spendings habits with receipts and credit card statements. Ultimately, the purpose of the Tracking Spending Habits series has solely been to get both consumers and shoppers to monitor their current spending habits.Eventually,with the brief examples and explanations given in the Tracking Spending Habits series,I provide ways for consumers and shoppers to save more and get their spending habits under control.Veritably,in most cases,Making A Budget and Getting It On Paper for a tanatamount of consumers and shoppers solves their money woes.However,for other consumers and shoppers who have maxed out credit cards,missed payments,have received annoying call from creditors and at risk of foreclosure require a more in-depth and thorough look into their finances.As for instance,in my case,after working on my budget,listing my expenses,outstanding debts, closing my checking account, opening and closing a CD,I realized I more than just a budget and that a DMP cold help me getout of debt faster. What's A (DMP) Formally Called Debt Management Program?A DMP is a debt management program. Basically,a debt management program is a program that allows consumers and shoppers to consolidate all of their bills and make one low monthly payment to an authorized Debt Management Represenative.

How To Choose A DMP:Before choosing a debt management program, I gathered all of my bills and orded a copy of my credit report. Next, I began to research the different types of Debt Management Programs available to consumers and shoppers.Straightforwardly speaking,I had seen several televison commercials and advertisment esposing debt relief assistance but not full heartedly take in the information until I began the Tracking Spending Habits series. As a result,I discovered that a large number of the Debt Management Programs available to consmers and shoppers are free and have the abilitiy to negotiate lower payments .Who Should Apply For A Debt Management Program? Consumers and Shoppers whose finances was greatly impacted or affected from the 2008 economic recession should consider applying for a Debt Management Program.Where Should A Consumer Who Is Interested In A Debt Management Program First Look?

Consumers and Shoppers should first heed television commercials and local advertisment by taking down numbers advertised along with calling and inquiring about services. Secondly,consumers and shoppers should also look in the local Yellow Pages. Lastly,the internet provides a plethora information and services pertaining to Getting Out Debt. Certainly, for most consumers and shoppers having a budget helps them to save money and develop better spending habits while taking control of finances;dolefully,after the 2008 economic recession a large number of American consumers and shoppers finances require more than just a budget.Remarkably,choosing DMP is just one of the manys that American consumers and shoppers have available to utilize to Get Out Of Debt.