Problem Analysis

Problem Analysis


A Problem Analysis 'plan' is of the areas that you should research and consider - things that you need to know if you are going to successfully solve the problem, so therefore a series of questions that you pose / ask (that you need to find the answers to).

This could take the form of a bullet point list of questions, separated into sub-sections, that identifies areas of research and questions that you need to investigate / research, to solve your project. Your research 'plan' needs to be targeted and relevant, not generic, and it should focus on the problem, product and user needs in order to find out useful information that will help you make decisions about what you intend to design and make. Listed below are some starter points that you could consider using on your Problem Analysis plan / bullet point question list:


Existing Solutions, User, Materials, Aesthetics, Design, Form, Function, Environmental issues, Cost, Components, Construction technology, Price Ranges, Economics, Safety, Size, Ergonomics, Anthropometrics, Industrial Practices & Processes, Finish, new technologies, new manufacturing processes, new materials etc. 


You could also comment / write questions on:


Manufacture processes - What processes may you need to know about in order for your design to be manufactured? Are you intending to solve the problem and manufacture your final designs using any CAD or CAM? 


Existing Solutions - What products are already available on the market? What are the features of these products that make them good or bad? What are the best selling products (use Lazada / Amazon ratings or best selling) and ask why?


Anthropometrics - Anthropometrics are the measurements of the average person / man / woman / baby etc. that help designers decide what size to design products and make them more ergonomic (see below). 


Ergonomics - describes how people interact with products. If a product is comfortable it could be described as being ergonomic. It is linked to anthropometrics and size.


Environmental issues - comment on the environmental issues you could consider. Use of recycled materials, reducing the amount of materials your product uses, design for disassembly, using renewable energy sources, solar panels, wind up power, wind power etc. This could also link to manufacture e.g. where a product is manufactured will affect how environmentally friendly it is if it has to be shipped to a different country after manufacture.


You could also use an analysis strategy to help you do this, such as the 5W’s. This is Who will use the product? Where will the product be used? Why is the product needed? What precisely does the product have to do? When will the product be used?

Of course, you could use Chat GPT to help you generate a list of areas to research if you use clever prompts. 

Here is a step by step of asking Chat GPT for help with the following project idea: 

'I am considering designing and manufacturing a Bluetooth amplifier or speaker, for a client that lives in Bangkok and who has expensive tastes. They like luxury products using high end, niche materials and generally a minimalistic styling. Could you give me more design suggestions based around this starting point and what I need to research?'

I then asked Chat GPT the following prompt:

'Thank you for these results. That is really helpful for me. Could you help me compile a list of 40 questions of areas that I need to investigate and research to make sure that I can make the final product work?' 

It produced this list of potential questions for the Problem Analysis:

Not all of these questions are what I want to see so I refined my prompt further by aksing specifically for questions on materials and ergonomics. Chapt GPT then produced these further questions of areas that I should investigate if I want to solve my project idea. Some of these questions below are great!

Thank you. Could you please add some more questions to investigate about the materials I can use and also ergonomics?

Certainly! Here are additional questions specifically related to materials and ergonomics for your investigation:



These additional questions should help you delve deeper into materials selection and ergonomics, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize the design of your Bluetooth amplifier or speaker.

The examples below have not used ChatGPT and each student just thought about their project and what they would need to find out about in order to solve the problem.

Example 2 - air pollution mask

Example 3 - Gym equipment

Example 4 - Children's learning toy

Example 5 - jar / bottle opener for elderly