Website Design

Prep 1

You need to add a new Landing / Title Page to your D&T website that you created with Mrs. Douglas in the Prep school. Title your page 'Mosquito Coil holder'. You should make your page look interesting and exciting through adding some resin poured products as inspiration.

If you have not previously created your own Site then now is an opportunity to do so as you start the Senior school. Click here to learn how to create your own Site.

Please create the following Pages and Subpages on your site:

Landing / Title page - Mosquito Coil holder project. To this page you should add information such as a Project Overview (identification of problem) but ideally in your own words rather than just copied and pasted from this site, and the Design Brief (above) - what you are going to do, again ideally in your own words. You should then make the 'Landing / Title' page look good by adding imagery of: resin pouring, hardwoods, mosquito coils, mosquito coil holders etc. so that the page looks interesting.

You then need to add a number of Subpages to your Landing / Title page, including:

Research, Design Ideas, Foam Modelling, Development of an Idea, Final Design, Onshape modelling, Diary of Manufacture, Final photos and Evaluation.

Once you have added content to your site Publish your page (top right blue button) and then share the weblink of your published site to the set Google Classroom assignment.

Below are some examples of F block sites from last year.