USB Lantern

USB powered devices and LED'S are very popular and adaptable as they do not require a lot of power and you now have easy access to USB power plugs and sockets around the home. This USB Lantern project is based around the idea of flat pack furniture / self assembly and the final product should produce a beautiful, elegant yet complex outcome that demonstrates lots of design skills.

For this project you will learn how to create Zentangles, digital sketching, 3D sketching, 3D CAD (Onshape), Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, laser cutting, 3D Printing and possibly some hand manufacture skills should you incorporate hardwood for a base.

USBLantern Workbook 2021.pptx

USB Lantern workbook

This is the complete USB Lantern workbook.

USBLantern Workbook 2021 for website design brief.pptx

Prep 1 - Design Brief

Complete the 5 'W' questions and then write your Design Brief. This will be explained to you by your teacher.

USBLantern Workbook 2021 for website research one inspirationf.pptx

prep 2 - Inspiration

Research a range of lighting, particularly lanterns. Annotate the images you find to describe, explain and evaluate the product.

Prep 2 - example

This is an example of a completed research sheet including brief annotation to describe and explain. Click the button below to see more examples.

USBLantern Workbook 2021 for website researchtwo design history.pptx

prep 3 - design history

Research styles, patterns and images from a design movement. This will help you reflect back on design styles and tends.

Prep 3 - example

An example of images from a design movement.

Prep 3 - example

An example of images from a design movement.

USBLantern Workbook 2021 for website Zentangles.pptx

prep 4 - zentangles

Using Pinterest, Google images, and other search software research Zentangles, how to create them and some examples that you like. You may wish to look at the current trends which are optical ilusion ones.

prep 4 - zentangles

Student example of completed Zentangle for USB lantern. Click on the button below to see further examples.

Click on the button below to see more examples.

Prep 5 - Specification

Design Specification

Prep 6 - environment

Environment research

prep 7 - Zentangle design

Template to create your own Zentangle designs

Prep 8 - Final Design (template a)

Use this template (A) to sketch your design for the wooden panel

Prep 8 - Final design (template B)

Use this template (B) to sketch your design for the wooden panel

Prep 8 - Final design Examples

Prep 9 - Final 3D design (template a)

Use this template (A) to attempt to sketch in 3D your final USB lantern design

prep 9 - final 3d design (template B)

Use this template (B) to attempt to sketch in 3D your final USB lantern design

Prep 9 - final design examples