Onshape Modelling

Onshape modelling

The purpose of modelling in Onshape is so that it can help you to visualise your layers and the construction of the mosquito coil holder, and you will use it to help you generate a 3D line drawing to export to Procreate to use as your final presentation rendering. This is a really important skill in the project and it really helps learning to sketch in 3D.  

Step one

Click here to open the master Onshape file. You will need to make a copy and rename the file as your own name.

For new students who have not setup or registered an Onshape account, then watch and follow the steps in this tutorial.


step two - sketching your design

Select the Front face of Resin and Timber Front to sketch your design on. Use the Sketching tools to draw the line that seperates the wood from the resin (see above). It would also be a fantastic idea to bring in your design work from Procreate so that you can use your sketched image to draw around in CAD. See the video below on how to do this.

Adding an image to a sketch plane

This video shows how to Make a Copy of the Onshape file; Rename it; Add aNew Sketch to the Front face and then add your dimensioned image to a sketch plane so that you can trace the shapes.

step three - extruding a surface

Select the Extrude feature and extrude your linework through the 3 layers to make this into a Surface. Ensure that Surface is selected in the Extrude Feature dialogue box

step four - split tool

Select the Split feature tool and select the extruded Surface you have just created and then select the parts you wish to split.

steps One to four

The video above demonstrates how to Open the Onshape file and how to add your sketch work onto the surface of the front block.

step five - sketching the resin

Using the Sketching tools add a new sketch to the front face of your resin part and sketch material that you wish to remove from the design.

step six

Select the Extrude feature and choose the sketch you have just created. Choose Remove from the Extrude dialogue box and then choose which part you want the extrusion to remove the material from. 

Steps five and six

The video above demonstrates how to remove parts of the design, through Sketching and Extruding (Remove) to start to form the design.

step seven

Repeat Step 6 a number of times to remove material from the Wood and Resin layers to build up your design.

Step seven

The video above demonstrates how to continue to remove parts of the design, through Sketching and Extruding (Remove material) to create the form of the design. It focuses upon removing material from the different layers.

step eight

Removing the 'cavity' from the middle layer for the mosquito coil 

step nine

Adding a hole for the pin and adding the Brass Pin using the Assembly feature

step ten

Creating a working drawing

Step 11 - AR modelling

Once you have completed all the steps above, you should then concentrate on the presentation of your work on your website including all modelling steps. One way to test your design at this stage is through the use of AR. Follow the steps below to create an AR model (augmented reality) of your mosquito coil design. You can include different colour ways and different environment placings on your website.

Before you start the process of creating your AR model, you need to delete any unwanted parts that you have hiden from the parts menu. Select the parts to highlight them in blue and the click the feature menu.

Select the 'delete part' feature and then press the tick in the feature menu.

Now that you have deleted unwanted parts you are now ready to export your model so that you can use the 3D file in a different APP. Click on the tab called 'Part studio 1' and then select export. 

In the export menu, 

Choose the on my ipad location and then press 'move'.

The STEP file should now be stored in the ON my Ipad location on the idad you are using.

Now you need to open the app called Shapr3D

Once the app opens 

1. press start designing button in the top right hand corner

2. Select import file 

If you press Recents then the file should be at the top of the file browser on the ipad you are using.

When the file opens in Shapr 3D press the 'visualisation' option on the left of the screen.

Now you can render your model with realistic materials by dragging them onto your model parts.

You can change the material type using the 'All materials' drop down menu near the top of the materials menu.

Continue to drop materials onto the model until it is rendered in the material colours that match your design. The material Polycarbonate will give a clear appearance that is close to resin.

Once your model is rendered in the correct materials you can press the AR button at the top left of the screen. This will launch the AR viewer.

Point your ipad at a surface and the model with appear in real time. you can pinch the model on the screen to resize it and to move it around. You can also walk around the model with you ipad to view it from different angles. You can also take screen capture images to put on your website.

Take images of your model in different environments and put them on your website.

You can also Embed an interactive 3D model like the one on the right by pressing the share button in Shapr3D

See below for guidance 

Press 'Share' and then 'create link'

Copy the HTML EMBED CODE and then...

... paste that code into the Embed code widget on sites (it is on the menu on the right underneath 'Text box' at the top of the Insert menu.