2D Sketching & Centre lines

2D sketching is vitally important and used at all stages of designing. Adding a centre line to the 2D sketch helps understand the proportions of the sketch, and can also help to see symmetry. Professional designers and advanced sketchers use this technique all the time as it makes sketching easier and helps to break up the form of the product being sketched.

The use of the centre line helps your eye to 'balance' sketched design work. If you sketch a centre line and then add another line on one side it becomes easier for you to judge / estimate a line on the oposite side of the centre line.

Examples of 2D sketching

Insert video of sketching by starting with with centre lines

Examples of sketches using a centre line

2D Sketching Basic Shapes

The 2D sketched sheet below shows the 'basic forms' and tone that can be used for all 2D shapes. If you combine the forms further you can communicate any other shape in 2D. The use of the Centre line is critical to help you sketch the shapes in a symmetrical way.

Tone is added through the use of a single Marker pen of one colour - either Cool Grey 3/4 or Warm Grey 3/4 and the application of a little soft black pencil. Click here to see how to Add Marker Pen to sketch work.

Image below is of 2D basic shapes taht have been rendered using a Warm Grey3 marker pen.