Identification of Problem (Refined)

Once you have completed the presentation of your initial Identification of Problem table, with (ideally) six possible ideas you then need to refine this down to TWO of your better ideas (this could be your favourite ideas or from the feedback your teacher has left) and further investigate whether they will be a viable, good project to undertake. The use of Chat GPT here is a really good idea if you use prompts carefully, as they can give you areas that you need to think about in order to solve the problem. From the response you can then see if it is a project that is worth undertaking, or not. 

Directly below is the ChatGPT prompts which were used to generate further areas that could be research and explored to check the viability of the project. Underneath the Chat GPT prompts are that information rewritten and presented onto PowerPoint slides, with AI images added to enhance the presentation.

Chat GPT Prompts & responses

Initial Prompt & question

Chat GPT has responded with 10 points (in sections - materials, technology (function), Power, ergonomics etc.).  

Note the use of a polite response! 

More detail in the prompt

If you can add more specific detail into your prompt you will get better responses, which should help you write a more detailed and directed further investigation.


The extra paragraph at the end of the list is really useful and good advice.

Below are 3 presented examples of potential projects that require further investigation from the Chat GPT prompts entered above. The use of Chat GPT has been used to generate bullet points which have then been rewritten to present the information. The images have been quickly generated by AI (Dreamstudio & Midjourney), using relevant prompts, to enhance the presentation of the written text in PowerPoint. 

An alternative way to present the same information