Design Ideas - How to generate

The following page demonstrates how to creatively generate design ideas for a chosen project. The example shown below, step-by-step, shows one method but there are many alternative methods, including card modelling, styrofoam modelling, CAD modelling etc.

Design Brief - ibreathezee

Breathing clean and better air through air sensors / monitors, filtertraion, adding mist or water content


The client's apartment in Bangkok. The family live in a modern luxury apartment in the heart of Bangkok, Thailand. They have large class windows with modern, contemporary furnishings and like natural materials such as woods, alongside nuetral cloths, brushed aluminium and brass. They have a wide range of modern electrical appliances throughout the home.

The product will be designed to be used in both of the living spaces and also the master bedroom.

The client also owns a number of 'luxury' cars and motorbikes including a Tesla Model X, a BMW i8, a BMW R18 and Triumph motorbikes and so inspiration could be taken from those products.

Client / Mood Board

The images below are colourways, textures, materials that the Client has specified that they like.

Initial Design Specification (Ibreathezee)

Design Specification for a home healthy air monitor and air purifier - iBreathezee

Key Words from the Design Brief, User Interview, Mood Board and Inspiration Board

Bangkok, High Rise, Pollution, large main apartment, 4 bedrooms and young children, Apartment has a balcony which we like to sit out on so we have the doors open but have fly / mosquito screens, Modern apartment, stylish, likes modern materials and ‘trendy’ / famous chairs and furniture, owners have a more minimal style so the product needs to fit in, client wants the product to be discreet and fit in with the apartment. The client / user owns a Tesla, an Audi and has several motorbikes including a BMW R18.


The air monitor should be able to constantly record and measure the quality of air in the room including the PM2.5 level and the moisture content. The better the information displayed the more beneficial this will be to the user.

The air monitor should be able to be controlled by a detachable and stylish remote control, that can be held in place on the product, and that allows for a range of operation.

The air monitor should be able to display all the information clearly on several pages, with a bright ambled screen, as well as send the information through to a smartphone to be able to track and monitor the quality of air.

The product should also be able to clean and purify the air using a filter and fan system. It would be good if the clean air generated could also be cooled although this is not a primary function.

The product should also be able to add water content into the air, through a mist diffuser, to add moisture into the air. If the mist could be fragranced that would be ideal.


The air monitor and purifier should be simple to operate, either through control buttons on the product, or through a remote control. It should monitor the air in a room up to 20m2

The air purifier should react to the monitor readings (quality of air) and automatically switch on the fan, and mist, when needed.

The monitor should send an e-alert to the client / user, through the smart phone app, to inform the user of the poor air quality

The air purifier should have a large enough fan to clean the air in the room within a short amount of time.

The fan should be made to be as quiet as possible but still generate enough force to suck in the dirty air and pass-through filters to then push out the clean air

The air purifier should be able to add a constant mist of moisture into the air for approximately 7 hours so if placed in a bedroom this could be used overnight when the client / user is sleeping

The mist diffuser could integrate a scent so that the air will smell more fragrant and nicer for the user. If used in a bedroom a lavender scent could be used to aid sleep.

The product should clearly show when it is working using small LED lighting.


The client / user has suggested that they like materials such as brushed Aluminium, Brass, exotic woods, stainless steel and they would like to see a product that combines these materials in some way.

The client has asked for the product to have either a tall, pyramid type of form (like a B&O speaker they have) or they would like something organic and flowing.

The holes for the air to be drawn in and flow out should be in a stylish pattern, possibly a Fibonacci pattern, that will not date and look stylish. Perhaps the style of these holes could come from a product that I see online and one that the client likes (show the client some hole patterns)


The air monitor should be active continuously and so will need a mains power source so that it is always on.

The air purifier fan needs to be quiet in operation if it will be used in a living room or bedroom so not to disturb the client / users.

The air purifier will need to have replaceable filters and so easy access to change and install new filters will be important

It needs to be able to rotate or move in some way so that clean air can be pushed out to all parts of the room.

The mist diffuser needs to be powerful to add a constant mist, or intermittent mist, to the air to add humidity, so I need to consider the best examples I can find like this.

The product must be able to be controlled by buttons on the unit, by a remote control and using a smartphone app.

The product needs to have air holes to allow the unit to draw in air into the monitor as well as holes for the clean air to be pushed out into the room.


The product should be made from tough and hard-wearing materials that can be easily manufactured. If the product is to use wood, then it may be better to manufacture from plastic and hydro dip a wood film onto a hard sheet to give the impression of wood.

Wood is a warm material in look and feel and so the client / user has asked if wood can be used and also a metal, such as brushed aluminium or stainless steel, brass or chrome to be integrated as well, as the client likes the combination of such materials and has other products in the home similar in style to this (B&O Beosound 2 speaker). The client also likes the B&O three speaker set up and in particular the use of cloth combined with wood and gold colours.


The remote control should be ergonomic and stylish, easily fitting in the hands of the users and it is able to be stored neatly and efficiently on the product, possibly using magnets.

The display should use a bright Amoled (like an Apple Watch) screen so that it is easy to see the information and it is clear for the users to be able to understand.

The fan should be powerful enough to clean the air for a large room for several hours

The product should be able to powerfully aid a mist into the air, to add moisture, for a number of hours and so will need a large reservoir of water to continue to run.

User requirements

The client has requested that the product be simple to use and easy to understand so unnecessary buttons are not needed. They wish the product to have a minimal look and the client likes the designer Dieter Rams and many Apple and B&O (Bang&Olufsen) products. The client also has many Grovemade products around their apartment.

The client has requested that the product look premium and so should use high end materials and styling, to fit in with their apartment.

MidJourney responses

DreamStudio responses

design ideas

At the beginning stage of designing your ideas can all be in 2D and a wide range of ideas. You can then add fine line pen and colour using Procreate.

blue pencil - 2D and 3D sketches

You could start the sketching of some design ideas by sketching 3 Views in blue pencil of your design idea. These could be the Front view, the Side view and a Top view as this commuincates more information about your design idea. If you feel confident you should / could add a 3D sketch. Use your Design Specification, Mood / Inspiration Board, MidJourney and any websites that you feel would benefit you in sketching shapes / forms that meet your initial design specification.

We will then scan your blue pencil sketch work and use Procreate to add black fine line pen to define the form / product, and then add real marker brushes and textures to communicate the design idea in more detail. If you feel that you could quickly communicate a design idea using CAD then please use that as well.

Example of a layout format for concept ideas for a Toaster. Note that all ideas are in 2D and each has 3 views.

If you feel confident you should / could add a 3D sketch also. Use your Design Specification, Mood Board, Inspiration Board, MidJourney and any websites that you feel would benefit you in sketching shapes and forms that meet your Specification.

The images below demonstrate a really nice method of communicating a product in context; how the product works; how a person or client could interact with a product. Procreate or Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator are used alongside Google images to get photographs of children playing and then the outline has been traced on a new layer, removing the colour photograph to leave the attention on the rendered product rather than a photograph of the child.

This sketch for gym equipment is clarified by adding the photograph, with parts of the photograph removed, which then gives the sketch context i.e. how it would be used; size.

add design sheet to a PowerPoint slide and add links to specification and how it meets criteria

add a second design sheet

CAD modelling (sheet 2), links to specification - show examples of procreate manipulation

How to sketch in 2 point perspective - video demoing a box broken down and broken down many times to create forms. Then link with Midjourney.