Onshape - virtual modelling

You will need to create your own Onshape Education (free) account. This process is easy. Click the button below to find out how to do this.

The videos below demonstrate how to model the Resin poured tea light holder project. Follow the tutorials and when guided to, design your own features to create your final design idea.

Step 1 - block modelling

Modelling the rectangular block

Step 2 - candle holes

Removing material (holes) for the tea light candles

Step 3 - sketch

Adding the sketch work for the 'river of resin'

Step 4 - river of resin

Modelling the 'river of resin' and splitting into 3 parts using extruded surfaces. Then changing colours to represent the timber and the resin.

Step 5 - modification

Modification of an existing feature. Changing the depth of the extruded holes.

step 6 - candle holder

Modelling the 3D printed candle holder to fit inside the holes.

step 6 - working drawing

Modelling the 3D printed candle holder. This is the working drawing for the candle holder with the exact dimensions. Note that the bottom width is 20.05 which means this would be bigger than the hole you created. That is because when we drill the hole it is actually 40.75mm in diameter. You can change the diameter of the holes you created if you wish.

step 6 - working drawing in context

Modelling the 3D printed candle holder. This 2D section drawing shows the measurements of the candle holder if modelling it in the context of the whole project i.e. inside the hole.

step 7 - modelling

Modelling your final design by subtracting areas using the Extrude feature and sketches. Remember that in order to Extrude you must have a closed loop sketch.

step 8 - detailing

Adding fillets and rounds to 'soften' the shape

Step 9 - assembly

This video demonstrates how to create an Assembly as well as the modelling of the candle, wax and wick.

step 10 - working drawing

Creating a Working / Engineering drawing of your completed resin poured tea light holder

You should now Share your Onshape work with your teacher who can render your final design. You should also email the PDF working drawing to your teacher so that it can be printed ready to glue onto the timber and resin.