SCholarship Assessment Task 2024 

Assessment task - Table Lamp

Your assessment will be split into 3 parts: 

Before you start you need to quickly research or else you won't know what to design or why. 

Firstly, decide on who you are designing the Table Lamp for. What design styles to they like? Could you make the ideas look like a particular company in terms of design i.e. a Table Lamp for Dyson; a Table Lamp for Aston Martin; a Table Lamp for Bang & Olufsen etc. etc. Also think about the materials that you may want to use and how you can combine / join these materials together. 

Secondly, you should conduct some quick initial research into current styles of Table Lamps and get ideas by conducting Google Images searches.


Typically you would use bought in components like the example below ( which include an On / Off button, LED's (colour changing), wires to connect the components together, and a circuit board along with an external power supply (USB cable).

You can of course use a traditional light bulb or energy saving one. You could use a 'retro' Edison style bulb (old fashioned), or super thin LED strips etc. etc.

Task 1 - sketching creativity - 'Design ' (1 hour - 1 hour 30 minutes)

On A3 paper, using a blue pencil, OR on Procreate (set up an A3 sheet!) using a blue pencil, produce a range of 2D and / or 3D sketches of ideas for a Table Lamp with the Base of the lamp made by combining Wood with Resin. There are no restrictions regarding materials or the design. For this initial sketching you should try to produce lots of initial concept design sketches / ideas on your sheet (ideally at least 10-15 but more is better!!!). Ideas can overlap and be different sizes and at this stage do not make them overly detailed or complex. 

You could have 2 or 3 views for each idea if you wish. 

You should look to render some of your sketches. The more rendered sketches you can produce the better but you should aim for at least 3 to 4 in the time you are given. You can submit your work in any format and use any tools and media to complete the assessment challenge i.e. you could produce a page of 2D marker rendered sketches with a 3D rendered idea; Digital sketched ideas using Procreate; some Onshape modelling and transfer to Procreate; some Onshape rendered ideas etc. You need to demonstrate your skills both in communication and in creativity. You could even use Onshape and Shapr3D / Cadmio to create AR models for testing ideas if you can work very quickly! 

Rendering using Procreate

Procreate offers many advantages when rendering design ideas. You can use layers to which can help if your make mistakes. The colour drop method allows you to add colour to an area very quickly. The images on the page can be easily moved around, resized and adapted. The Text tool allows you to type words and add annotation to help communicate your idea. The mask tool allows for fast application of brushes in an accurate way.

You should annotate your design work as you go along. Annotations describe and explain your ideas as well as your critical analysis. Say what you see and what you are thinking about the design. Make sure you explain your thoughts, e.g. explain for example in the image it sayes "i love this idea" but a better annotation would be "i love this idea because of the bright colours that will appeal to pre-prep age children and the way the chamelion contrasts with the handle."

Task 2 - foam modelling - 'Table Lamp' (Approx. 60 - 90 minutes)

You need to model, from Styrofoam, one of your design idea sketches to produce a quick concept prototype. Ideally this will be from a number of seperate pieces of styrofoam that you will join together. This could ideally be full size or a scale model if you prefer. You can use any of the workshop equipment to help you model this design i.e. hot wire cutters, power frett saw, hand tools including files and abrasive papers. You can use a fine line pen on the blue Styrofoam to add details.

Task 3 - Interview & discussion, including the sharing of your portfolio of work

During the modelling task I will ask you to come and speak with me about why you want to be a D&T scholar; to tell me about a favourite designer, architect or engineer and why you like their work; to share with me your portfolio and discuss your work with me.

Don't be scared by this example; be inspired. This was sketched by an older student.

Another interesting example!

Other starting points