Research - Existing Solutions (Secondary)

You need both Primary and Secondary existing products to complete your research section and you should try to analyse a MINIMUM of 4 different products, in detail (see examples below) for your Secondary Existing Solutions slides.

Secondary existing solutions are when you get images from the Internet. It is secondary research as someone else has already photographed the product and you are analysing only what you can see rather than what you can feel i.e. weight, textures, temperature etc. This is a visual analysis mainly focusing on the aesthetic qualities. It is good to look at a range of alternative solutions and the more wide ranging and different the better. 

If you start by using a search engine (google, safari etc.) and type in what you are looking for. Then look at images and find ones that you like. Then research that product even further - find out the manufacturer or see if it is available on or Lazada as there will usually be much more information, reviews and more photographs of the product from different angles. Use all of this information to make your secondary research slides detailed and rich with information and descriptive analysis. 

You should investigate and analyse all details of the solutions / products and you could consider:


Materials, Ergonomics, Anthropometrics, Aesthetics, Finish, Colour, Shape, Form, Common features across the existing solutions, Economics, Environmental considerations, Industrial practices – how has it been made, Safety, Construction – how parts fit together / split lines.


Below is a step-by-step method of finding Secondary solutions and getting more images and details. 

2. Click the link for more information on Lazada

3. More detailed photos and colours on Lazada. Save the photos or screenshot the images.

4. Look at the Product Details to see sizes, materials, weight etc. Use this information to add to your slide.

5. Look at more further details (scroll down Lazada) to see nice photos. Save these or screenshot.

6. Go back to Google search and see where else sells the same product. Here sell the same product so visit that page.

7. Amazon shows similar products but also reviews and average ratings. Change the filter to look at the Best selling, and then try and analyse why. 

8. Select the product for more information and other photos and details.

9. Look at the reviews and see if you could you use any of the comments yourself

10. Average star rating for the product. Worth mentioning? You can also save the video from Amazon.

11. Other colour options could be worth saving or screenshots.

Below is an outstanding secondary existing products analysis of jar / bottle openers

Below is an outstanding secondary existing products analysis of gym equipment

Below is a very good secondary existing products analysis of desktop work lamps

Below is an Outstanding example of both Primary & Secondary Existing Product research including a Product Autopsy. If you can do one of these that is the best form of analysis and scores the most highly.

All of your research analysis should provide you with a good understanding of the problem and the desired aesthetic, functional and performance requirements of the product you intend to design and make. This combined with your User Interview / Questionnaire will help you to write your Design Specification.