assessment task 1

For your first Skills Assessment Task 1 you need to render the Spray Nozzle below. You need to select a range of 2 point perspective images from the Google Drive link (at the bottom of this page) to create a 'compilation' sheet (example below) to then digitally marker render. You can choose which images and how you wish to layout on the sheet. We would recommend setting up an A3 sheet (420mm x 297mm) in Procreate at 150DPI. 

You can add material textures to the sheet if you wish. You can leave some images as line drawings and marker others (composition). You can create your own linework (more 'sketchy') if you wish. You can add logos or additional details if you wish. You can add backgrounds or linking boxes. You can add text. You can add photographs to give context. You can zoom in on sections, crop or enlarge to show more details. Be creative! 

You will be assessed on what you do and how you do it; how the sheet / composition looks; the quality of your marker rendering; the quantity that you produce in the given time: You will have 5 lessons to complete as much as possible. You can also work on this in your own time, study time or prep. 

Click on the image on the left to open the Google Drive to then select and insert the images into procreate. All of the images are PNG files.


The detailed images shown, on the top left demonstrates the initial rendering using shadows and highlights. Below that is the same rendering but with a blurred background. that was created by adding a Gaussian Blur to the background image. The larger image has a white airbrushed outline to lift the rendering off the blurred background.