Identification of Projects Chat GPT

You can use Chat GPT to help you start finding possible ideas. The better and more precise your prompts / questions are the better your results will be. Garbage in = Garbage out.

Be precise with your questions. For example... Give me 10 good coursework project ideas for a major project for Cambridge IGCSE in Design & Technology with a resistant materials specialist area; or... Give me some great ideas for major design projects suitable for AQA A level Design & Technology Product Design coursework. 

Remember that these are just starting points and you will then need to analyse and investigate further to see if you feel that it will be a valid and good project.

This is what I just did in 4 minutes with Chat GPT.

Note how I was not precise with my prompt question which gave me a number of answers which are not suitable. 

Give CHAT gpt thanks

Note that I said 'Thanks' and then was more precise which led to better results.

I am polite

Note how I again am polite and say thank you and also 'that is great'. This tells Chat GPT that the results it is producing are what I want to see and so it will then generate more along similar lines. 

Notice that these project starting points now have far more details and there are some good ideas worth exploring. You could of course focus even further by identifying a target market; a user / client; materials that you want to use; a product that you like the sound of; new technology that you would like to incorporate etc. 

i'm still grateful!

Note that I have now identified a target market and some materials that I would really like to use. This gives me even more specific results.