1.2 Working with formulae and equations

Insert information about SI Units and standard form / powers of 10. Standard form is to two decimal places.

Work through the questions below and then reveal the Steps to see the correct answers.

Q1. Calculate the surface area of a desktop that is 400cm wide x 1.2m long.


Area of a rectangle = Width x Length

Step 1: Convert the unit of the width into metres

1 cm is 1.0 × 10−2 m
400 cm = 400 × 10−2 m = 4.00 m
Note: 400 could be accurate to 1, 2 or 3 significant figures — 3 significant figures have been kept here after unit conversion.

Step 2: Multiply the width and length to calculate the area

400cm × 1.2m = 4.00 m × 1.2m = 4.80 m2
However, the least accurate value, 1.2m, is significant to 2 figures only, so the answer should be provided to this accuracy. 4.80 m2 = 4.8 m2 (2 s.f.)

How I would answer this:

I would start by converting both measurements to be the same. I work in mm so I would convert both to mm i.e. 400cm = 4000mm and 1.2m = 12000mm.

Then I would multiply 4000 x 12000 = 48000mm2. I would then round this number down into m2 by dividing 48000/1000 = 4.8m2

Q2. Calculate the voltage difference across a resistor of 330 ohms when a current of 0.020 A flows through it.


To calculate the voltage difference, you will need to use Ohm's law, which is:

Voltage (V) = Current (A) x Resistance (Ohm)


Step 1: Convert the current into standard form.

0.020 A = 2.0 × 10−2 A

Step 2: Substitute the values into the formula

V = IR = 2.0 × 10−2 A × 330 Ω = 660 × 10−2 V

Step 3: Rewrite this in standard form and present your answer to the correct level of accuracy

660 × 10−2 V = 6.60 × 102 × 10−2 V

When multiplying powers of 10, add the powers.
6.60×102 ×10−2V=6.60V

The most accurate value given is 0.020A, which has two significant figures, so change the answer to this level of accuracy. Answer: 6.60 V = 6.6 V (2 s.f.)

How I would answer it

I would start by moving the decimal place of the 0.020 A so that it reads as 2.0. I would then multiply this by 330 Ohms = 660 Ohms.

I would then move the decimal point back two places = 6.6. This becomes Volts as we follow the formula V=IR. Therefore 6.6V.

Q3. Calculate the volume of a cyclinder that has a radius of 12mm and a height of 0.2m.


Volume of a cylinder = πr2h

Step 1: Convert the radius into metres

12 mm = 12 × 10−3 m = 1.2 × 10−2 m

Step 2: Substitute the values into the formula

volume of a cylinder = πr2h = π(1.2 × 10−2)2 × 0.2
π(1.2 × 10−2)2 × 0.2 = π(1.44 × 10−4) × 0.2 = 0.90478 × 10−4 (5 d.p.)

Step 3: Rewrite this in standard form and present your answers to the correct level of accuracy

The values provided at the start of the calculation are accurate to 2 significant
figures, so this answer should be given to the same level of significance. Answer: 0.90 × 10−4 (2 s.f.)

How I would answer it

I would start by converting the height into mm = 0.2m = 2000mm.

Then volume of a cylinder is πr2h = π x (12x12) x 2000 = 904788.684mm3

I would then divide this total by 1000 to convert into m3 = 904.779. 

This should then be refined to 904.78m3 or 0.90 × 10−4 (2 s.f.)

Q4. A lounge chair is to be manufactured by laminating seven layers of 1.5mm thick, 100mm wide ash veneer together to form each side of the chair frame.

(a) The manufacturer cuts all seven veneers to be the same length; the sum of the chair's three straight sections, added to the length of both external curves. Assume no excess will be needed for trimming on the width of the laminated framework.

i) Determine the length of the external curve A shown in Figure 1. Give you answer to the nearest whole number. (3 marks)


Circumference of external curve as a full circle C = π x D

Step 1: Convert the radius into diameter

180 degree curve with a radius of 250mm = Diameter 500mm

Step 2: Substitute the values into the formula

C (Circumference) = π x 500 (or 2 x π x 250) = 1570.796. This is rounded up to 1571 (whole number).

Length of 180 degrees of external curve = 180/360 x 100 = 50% of full circle circumference or 1/2.

So Curve A = 1571 / 2 = 785.5mm

Step 3: Rewrite this in standard form and present your answers to the correct level of accuracy

The question says write your answer to the nearest whole number, so the length of the external curve A = 786mm. 

Anything below 0.5 i.e. 0.499999 is rounded down and anything above 0.5 is rounded up.

(ii) Determine the total length of veneer used in the construction of the two side frames for the chair. (2 marks)

step 1: Add component lengths together

1500 + 786 + 600 + 125 + 700 = 3711mm

step 2: substitute the values into the formula

3711 (total length) x 7 (nmber of veneers) x 2 (two sides of chair) = 51954mm. 

This could also be written as 51.95m

b) Ash veneer for constructional purposes retails at 20.45GBP (twenty pounds and 45 pence) per metre square (m2). Calculate the cost of the veneer needed to manufacture two side frames for the chair. Include an additional 15% of veneer to allow for waste / trimming. Give your answer in pounds and pence. (2 marks)

Step 1: Convert the measurements

Area of veneer = Width x Length

Veneer is 100mm wide and the question is using metre square as the unit of measurement

Width is 100mm = 10cm = 0.1m (100cm in 1 metre)

Length from previous answer is 51.95m

Step 2: Substitute the values into the formula & convert to SF

0.1 (width) x 51.95 (length) = 5.195m2

Plus 15%

This can be done one of two ways

5.195 x 1.15 = 5.97425 = 5.97m2 or

5.195 x 15 = 77.925. 77.925 / 100 = 0.77925 (15%). 0.77925 (15%) + 5.195 (length) = 5.97425. 5.97m2 (2 decimal places)

Now you have the total length including the additional 15% you need to work out the total cost for 5.97m2 at 20.45GBP per m2.

5.97 x 20.45 = 122.09GBP (122 pounds and 9 pence)