Nano Goblin v2


I can't believe it was less than a year ago that I built the first nano. Although it was one of my favorites, I have honestly not flown it for over half a year now. I do less floaty cruising now and tend towards faster cruising speeds. I needed something with a bigger motor and a bit more durability.


  • Nano goblin air frame

  • Mamba F405 mini MK II flight controller

  • Speedybee 30A esc

  • Turnigy 3a BEC

  • BrotherHobby R6 2207 1750kv

  • Crossfire Nano RX

  • Beitian 220 GPS

  • Caddx vista Nebula Nano

  • Emax ES08MA II Analog Metal Gear Micro Servo x2


248g dry. The original was 167g dry, but this came in a lot heavier since I laminated the whole thing and used a much larger motor and 6" props. The biggest fault to the original was really how soft the foam was and the laminate really fixed it.

Update 3/27/22: Lost a battery on the maiden due to launch throttle and the pitch FF being too high causing the battery to be ejected (and lost) during launch. Also, the vtx drops out at 400meters. Swapped antenna and experienced the same thing. May be an issue with the vtx at this point. Otherwise, it flies exactly as I had hope. It is more efficient and smaller than the ripper, but without the bad stall characteristics and lighter with faster speeds at lower amps. Once I get the vtx issue sorted, this will be my new favorite micro wing.

With the brotherhobby 1750kv motor, it cruises at 60kph on 3amps, 110kph on 8amps, 130kph on 10amps, and 160kph on 20amps.

Update 5/28/22: Moved the ESC to the exterior for better cooling and straightened out the rx antenna for better reception.

Efficiency Logs:

  • 18km (935mah used) | 4s 1300mah lipo | 51.94mah/km

  • 24km (952mah used) | 4s 1500mah lipo | 39.66mah/km | efficient cruising