Micro Wing v2

Build video


Ever since I made my first Micro Wing, I've been wanting to improve on it. My main issues with the first one were the elevons, so that was what I aimed to correct with this iteration. I am going into this knowing this is yet another prototype, so we'll see how it goes.

Components: ($30)

  • RacerStar BR1104 4000kv motor
  • 2x 3.7gram servos (the 2.5grams didn't balance it well enough...need to move the motor up some more to use them)
  • 2x push rods
  • Tarot TL300G5 6A (no bec)
  • 3A BEC
  • 4 Channel receiver
  • Dollar tree foam board
  • Colored packing tape
  • bamboo skewer (spar)


The build took about a day with half of it going to testing different thrust outputs for different motors on different voltages. I settled on this combo, but was not completely satisfied as I don't have enough lightweight batteries to run this on 3s, which I think is going to make it fly like a rocket. With the current power output, it should be about 1:1, which is ok and gets me through verifying the flying characteristics. Upon completion, I could already see multiple areas for improvements (don't you just hate that?)... Gonna try to fly it soon!

Update 1: The maiden didn't go so well. There wasn't enough thrust/lift for the final AUW on 2s. It would fly for about 50 feet before gradually coming back down. I ordered some larger 3 and 4 blade props for this motor in different sizes to see if I can generate more thrust. I think some KF airfoils may help as well, but I don't have any 2mm foam to test that theory with. I'll try to research that a bit more as time permits, but this project is put on hold until at least I get some new props.

Update: This wing was retired since I needed the electronics for v5 of the wing. I liked the performance of the