
Original version - random oscillations


I wanted to see how the bat 100 would perform with the 65mm props. Reused all the electronics from sparrow.


  • Bat 100 frame
  • Beecore F3 FC + ESC
  • Racerstar 0703 20000kv
  • 65mm props (later trimmed down to 63mm)
  • LST S2 AIO camera/vtx
  • frsky micro D8 receiver


I initially wanted to build this without having to trim the props. The only way to accomplish this was to turn the frame sideways and raise the rear motors a bit. Extending the motor wires also took a bit of time so this project took longer than expected. On the initial flight, I noticed that there was a slight wobble/oscillation from time to time. This happened randomly and not during any special maneuvers, so I suspected that it may have been due in part to the overlapping props.

Since I didn't feel the oscillations could be tuned out, I decided to rebuild it in the standard stretch x style and just trim the props 1mm from each end. The result turned out well and all the random oscillations were gone. There were some oscillations on quick 180s due to the low default D terms, but I ran into some magic smoke issues while turtling. The great thing is that it can turtle really well, but it may be that these motors are pulling more than 5a while doing so. I'm going to wait and upgrade the board before trying some more, but it is looking promising so far!