Max Payne

Credits: SourceSpy91

The game begins in Max Payne's home. At the entrance there is a wall writing depicting a syringe crossing a "V". Tumbled furniture show that that have been an invasion. Broken mirrors, fallen portraits, the environment tells that there was a fight. As Max ventures further in his home he hears his wife screaming in despair and his baby crying. When the player reaches the bathroom there are blood stains and the atmosphere is pretty clear at this point: there is a tragedy ahead. After killing two tugs Max finds his baby and wife death to his horror. Note that the bathroom has two doors, one to the stairs and another leading to where his wife is. A real house doesn't have doors placed like that, but they did it in the game for storytelling purposes. The wall writing is found again in many other places as Max goes in a quest of revenge. Later on the game he discovers the meaning of that "V" marking.

When the investigation begins in NY's subway Max finds a trail of blood. After opening the door Max sees a dead guard. Max states that "death is in the air" and draws his gun. He goes back to the subway's platform and sees that thare are two armed man. One of the themes that Max Payne deals with is drug dealers and gun dealers, with gangs and power hungry villains. The decaying buildings, garbage scattered on the floor, tumbled trash bins, falling wall tiles, all convey a dark atmosphere of the crime underworld.