Open Arena - Bricks 1

This map began as an expanded version of Curse][, one of the default DM maps for UT. There wasn't a floorplan, I went for expanding the map by adding some new paths and another floor on top of the existing one. I made some changes to the original layout to connect the new floor and due to the different physics in OA. In UT the players can perform a slide trick that allows them to slide upwards, something that doesn't exist in OA. I didn't put any thought in stairs vs jump pads. It was about available space to build a staircase. For this map I went for a contrast between warm, fire and night, cold, blue ambient light. With the whole map having lights of the same color I resorted to colored lego bricks to differentiate different zones of the map. The oppose of what I did with Goldeneye Grit Complex, where textures had the same color and the lights had different colors per zone. In the original UT map there was fire and it was dark. I created some lamps that purposely cast shadows. I also added torches in openings in walls with bricks to cast shadows. I wanted shadows everywhere to compensate for the lack of detailed geometry or architecture. I didn't invest much though in item placement. It was all about spreading them without caring much about their value. The only exception is a super health that requires jumping over a gap.

Xonotic version

Due to differences in the rendering engine it's much brighter than I originally intended it to be. There are also normal maps and specular maps everywhere.

UT Curse][ for reference