Unreal Tournament DM - Mystical Pyramid

There isn't much to say about this map. It's basically the same comments about Chemical Tank. I looked at Pyramid, one of the maps that came with the game, and thought that I'd expand it. A floating pyramid gave me the idea of something mystical. What could I do to make it larger? I literally duplicated the pyramid. It was much easier to duplicate than to add more floating pyramids or to complicate an already simple shape. To add a personal twist and to convey a sense of being a mystical world I made the duplicate inverted upside down. Each pyramid's floor is flat with nothing in it. I think that the floating pyramid and the floating islands in the skybox made me think of Zendikar, a plane from Magic the Gathering with floating islands. From there I thought that water fountains with glowing water would be a nice addition to the pyramid's empty space. In the original the invisible water cylinder that connects each floor doesn't give you life. I made it a negative pain zone because I didn't want to place any health packs in this map. It thought that by being an open map with no walls, players wouldn't have time to run for health packs. The bottom of the original pyramid had very large red lends flare that quickly became a sore in the inverted part of the world. Both because red disrupts the turquoise waters and because the lens flare as too large, covering almost the entire screen. I also kept the same idea of placing a valuable item at the end of the invisible water cylinder. It's a trap. To link both pyramids there are teleporters to go from one to the other.

The original pyramid for reference