Highlighting paths

In a game the landmark doesn't necessarily has to be a large building. It can be a tree, a painted wall or a flag. It's not always a matter of size.

There isn't a perfect way of indicating a path, but it must be easily recognizable in the environment. The most important concept is that the player must be able to see the path. Can there be a unexpected route? Yes, but it can't allow the player to skip parts of the game as this would mean that the level design has an error. To facilitate the player's navigation in a level avoids frustration and headaches.

A huge flaw in bad level design is to not properly guide the players, leaving them lost. Worse still is a reversed design that highlights paths where there is nothing of importance and the path that the player should take isn't properly highlighted. In a game with a certain objective to be completed the lack of guidance leaves the player frustrated trying to find its way. In a multiplayer game the players have a hard time trying to find each other.

In some games there are cheat codes to enable god mode. I've found something quite interesting with it. If you play in god mode and find yourself lost in a level, this means that the enemies were placed strategically to guide the player. How so? If you are invulnerable to all damage, you tend to disregard covers and not care about where the enemies are comming or attacking from. The same idea could be applied environmental hazards. If the player can run straight ahead without caring about taking damage, this could mean running away from the intended path.

Challenges and obstacles

The challenges can't / shouldn't be all of the same type. There is room to be creative and the same ability can have different purposes in different contexts or the same type of challenge could be solved with different abilities.

The problems arise when there are obstacles that are not intuitive. For example blowing up or destroying a door. If the game presents you with the means to destroy that door and it clearly shows that you have to destroy that door, that's intuitive. However, if the game forces you to guess that you have to destroy that door and doesn't give you any hints or clues about how to do it. That's not intuitive. Suppose some part of the game requires a password to progress. No player is going to guess the password or try out all combinations one by one. The game must provide some hint about the password. If the password is placed in front or at the side of a door requiring it, then the obstacle has lost its purpose. Suppose there is a multiple choice question and there is only one chance allowed. The player has to rely on knowledge about the question to choose the answer and that knowledge is somewhere in the game. If the game presents you with multiple choice answers and no question at all, how are you going to guess what the question is? In an extreme case there is neither a question nor multiple choice answers. The player is left with no tools, no directions, no hints or clues, nothing. That's like a doctor attempting to diagnose a disease without knowing any symptoms.

In many ways intuition is closely related to physics. Take gravity for example. Two objects, one being much heavier than the other, fall with the same acceleration and speed. Being heavier doesn't make something fall faster. It's a matter of aerodynamics. To calculate physics in real-time is a computationally heavy task and oversimplification of physics can lead to obstacles or challenges being counter-intuitive. Very often, two boxes, one made of cardboard and another made of wood, feel the same in game because they have the same mass in the eyes of the physics engine. That could be an artist's choice that mismatches the physics in game. Nonetheless, breaking a glass window with a paper ball wouldn't make sense, irregardless of physics.

If there is a river that is blocking the way and the river wasn't there before, then something happened to create that river. It is natural to think that it has rained, a dam must have broken or some explosion changed the course of a river for example. A door blocked by debris, the debris came from some explosion. It feels detached to have a military base with a door that won't open due to a short circuit when the whole environment is clean, new and with no apparent destruction.

A challenge stops being a challenge when there is a unwanted trivial solution or when there is a way to bypass it. The challenge must work as intended. If it relies on a certain sequence of events, depends on time or specific conditions, there should be margins of tolerance for errors. If there are conditions in which the challenge can't be solved they should be predicted, otherwise the game won't end.