Peter Herbert

Arthur William Percy Peter Herbert was born on January 14, 1911. He was the leading amateur steeplechase rider of 1939.

Riding his own horse, Courtesy, a winner of more than 30 races, Peter won Sandown's Grand Military Handicap on three occasions; 1934, 1935 & 1936. He also won the Liverpool Foxhunters' on Nushirawan.

Most of his riding experience was gained at Aldershot and Tidworth as a subaltern with the 3rd Dragoon Guards (The Carabiniers).

He also held a commission in the Life Guards and commanded the Sovereign's Escort at the opening of Parliament in 1950.

Twice in his career he broke his spine in accidents - indeed, he had been a semi-invalid for two years before his death, which came at his home in Cheltenham on Monday November 23, 1953.

He was 42.