Richard Hutchinson

Richard Hutchinson was born at Bellshill on November 25 1949 and was apprenticed to Peter Poston and Nigel Angus.

His first winner was Dire Straits at Hamilton on May 25, 1968

In 1972, he won the Ayr Gold Cup on Swinging Junior.

Richard Hutchinson was a 22-year-old rookie still claiming a five-pound allowance when the Nigel Angus- trained charge hurtled home at 14-1 three quarters of a length ahead of Spanish Gold.

And success was all the sweeter as Lester Piggott came third that year on Vincent O'Brien's Abergwaun after been earlier linked with the ride on the Cree Lodge- trained Swinging Junior.

Recalling the race later, Richard said: "I know we fancied the horse a lot that year even a couple of months before the race itself.

"I told my dad to get on as he was trained to the minute and it was only nearer the time that I began to have second thoughts thinking `I'm only an apprentice I could be wrong here.

"But I needn't have worried as he had that bit of class and everything went like clockwork on the day. I set him alight about the half-furlong marker and it was soon all over - it may have been 30 years ago but I remember it well.

"I wasn't much of a drinker but we had a little celebration afterwards. Myself, Tony Ives, Edward Hide and Johnny Seagrave all went to the Kylestrome Hotel for a meal and it was a great night."

Richard rode about 250 worldwide until a car crash prematurely ended his career. He ended up with a compressed spinal fracture and that was the end of the road.

'I'd ridden all over including Cyprus and I have great memories of Lanark, Hamilton, Edinburgh and, of course, Ayr'.

He then took a number of jobs in order to make ends meet. He drove a lorry, ran a mobile ice cream business, opened a confectionery shop in Hamilton before settling down as a taxi driver.

He kept in touch with his friends Brough Scott and John Oaksey.

Big Winners:

1972: Ayr Gold Cup - Swinging Junior

1974: Old Newton Cup - Belper