Bruce Hobbs

1920 - 2005

Bruce Robertson Hobbs was born on December 27th 1920 on Long Island, New York and, on his death (21st November 2005), he had the distinction of being the youngest ever jockey to win the Grand National. On that remarkable day, he was just 17 years and three months old. Modern technology indicates that the runner-up Royal Danieli almost certainly held on to win the race, but the history books have been written and are impossible to alter.

Bruce, the most charming of individuals and without question the tallest rider of a Grand National winner, rode Battleship - the last entire to win the race - for his trainer/father Reg Hobbs. The horse, owned by the American millionairess Marion du Pont Scott, was the smallest in the field.

Reg Hobbs was Master of the Horse to sewing-machine heir Ambrose Clark and in that capacity was responsible for the making and breaking of hunters, show horses and polo ponies.

Bruce's grandfather, Captain Tom Hobbs, was also well known in equestrian circles having a large repository of hunters at Great Bowden in Leicester.

Surrounded by horses and given intense and demanding tuition by his father, Bruce became a most polished boy rider, winning championships on his white pony Lady Marvel who had started her working life in a fishmonger's cart in Leicester.

In 1931, Ambrose Clark set Reg Hobbs up as trainer in the Ronehurst yard at Lambourn, Berkshire. Bruce, just 14 years old and already 6ft 1½ ins. tall, became the stable amateur. At Wolverhampton in 1935, Bruce rode his first winner.

On Boxing Day 1936 - the day before his 16th birthday – Bruce was engaged to ride Circourt, Abbot's Glance and Cakewalker at Wolverhampton. He won on the first two and was about to mount the third when an official informed him that he had just ridden his 10th winner and could not ride again until he had received an official permit or turned professional.

By telegram, Bruce obtained a professional's licence. Next day, still at Wolverhampton, he rode another winning double (Baccharis and Eliza).

A fortnight after winning the Grand National, Bruce rode Timber Wolf in the Welsh Grand National. He won, and, at the end of that season (1937-1938), he had ridden 35 winners. But he was not yet finished. Travelling over to the United States, he made history by becoming the first jockey to win three Grand Nationals in one year being successful in Long Island's Cedarhurst version.

Lady Fortune, however, was about to desert him.

Riding Pharnace in the early part of the following season (November 2, 1938), Bruce took a crashing fall in a selling race at Cheltenham. His spine was broken. Paralysed down the left side of his body, he lay on his back for almost three months in hospital. On his 18th birthday, he was informed that he would be crippled for life and would never ride again.

Many teenagers would have been defeated by such news, but not Bruce. Defying the gloomy prognosis and through sheer tenacity, he was walking again by April. That month on the 26th, he rode Poor Duke to victory at Buckfastleigh. This was the first ever winner trained by Fulke Walwyn.

By August, like everyone else, he was caught up in the war. Bruce served with the Queen's Own Yorkshire Dragoons and reached the rank of captain. He was awarded the Military Cross for his part in the assault on a strongly defended German position near Tunis in May, 1943.

The citation stated:‭ "‬This officer crawled to the top of a hill occupied on the reverse side by the enemy in order to direct mortar fire and observe for tanks‭… ‬He had to go so close to the enemy that it was not safe to speak on a telephone.‭ ‬He therefore climbed up and down all day to pass messages over his wireless at the bottom of the hill.‭ ‬Through his efforts and skill,‭ ‬effective fire was brought to bear on a party of enemy tanks which could not be seen from any other position.‭"‬

On demobilisation, he weighed 14 st 7 lb.

In his determination to ride just one more winner, he set about wasting and got down to 11 st 7 lb. The effort was in vain. Having no capital, he was unable to open his own stable so, at the age of 25, he became private trainer to John Rogerson and his wife Eileen, daughter of the diamond magnet Solly Joel, at the Dunston Lodge yard near Wantage.

However, with just a dozen horses in his care life was difficult. He won some good races including the Grand Sefton Chase at Liverpool, but the small operation simply wasn't viable. Dunston Lodge was closed. Bruce, now homeless, unemployed and newly wed, faced an uphill struggle.

In 1951 he became assistant to trainer George Beeby at Compton, Berkshire, before moving on to join the Queen's trainer Captain Boyd-Rochfort.

Aged 40 and with Boyd-Rochfort showing no signs of retiring, Bruce reluctantly quit racing and became a travelling salesman for Gibson's, the Newmarket saddlers.

It was a job he hated and, in 1962, yearning to get back into racing, he returned as assistant to Major Jack Clark in the Bedford Lodge Stable at Newmarket.

Then his luck really turned. The television magnate David Robinson, who had 40 horses at Newmarket's Carlburg stable, appointed him as private trainer. At last Bruce had reached a position in which he could enjoy independence and show off his talent. At the end of 1965, four leading owners – Tom Blackwell, Jocelyn Hambro, Jim Philipps and David Wills – formed a company to establish Bruce in the Palace House stable at Newmarket.

Bruce went on to train such good horses as Stilvi, Tachypous (Middle Park Stakes 1976) and Tromos (Dewhurst 1978).

Not a gambling man, the £25 win on a horse he had running at Brighton was the biggest bet he ever had. It won by a short head. Shaking like a leaf, Bruce vowed that he would never have another bet. And he didn't.

On his retirement at the end of 1985, Bruce was elected to the Jockey Club.

Bruce had been a strict disciplinarian of the old school: the welfare of his horses always coming first, but he was a pleasant, companionable man with a cracking sense of humour.

He married Betty-Jean in 1945. They had one daughter but the marriage broke up soon after he gave up training. He remarried, Vicki Hibble, his stable secretary, who survived him.

Bruce Hobbs died in Newmarket on November 21, 2005, aged 84.

Battleship was owned by Mrs Marion Scott, who belonged to one of the richest American families in the world (the Duponts, armament makers). She was married to the gay Hollywood actor, Randolph Scott.

So bored was she with events that she had to be forced to shake hands with the young jockey and pose for photos. Not a flicker of excitement showed on her bronzed face as she accepted the trophy. She did not attend the Grand National banquet in Liverpool.

17 people managed to land the 2s 6d (approx. 12p) tote double on the Lincoln winner (Phakos) and Battleship. Each picked up winnings of £1,000, odds of 8,000 - 1.


A fearless youth, who first sat on a horse as a three-year-old, Bruce Hobbs conquered the Grand National at the age of 17.

It was the spring of 1938, less than 12 months before the outbreak of the Second World War, and Hobbs was riding the ominously named Battleship. His record as the youngest jockey to have won the great Aintree steeplechase still stands.

Some 40 years later, Hobbs was still making a mark on the turf. The talented colt he trained for the Greek shipping owner George Cambanis, Tyrnavos, sprang a 25-1 surprise to win the 1980 Irish Derby at the Curragh. If Tyrnavos turned out to be the sole winner of the classic race for Hobbs, it was by no means the single highlight of a training career associated with a number of champion racehorses.

Hobbs enjoyed success with Hotfoot, the champion two-year-old fillies Jacinth, Melchbourne and Cry of Truth, as well as Stilvi and her offspring, among whom were Tachypous, the champion two-year-old Tromos, Tyrnavos and Tolmi. Bruce Robertson Hobbs was born on Long Island, New York at the start of the prohibition era. At the time, his father, Reg Hobbs, was Master of the Horse to a prominent racehorse owner, the sewing-machine heir Ambrose Clark, whose horse Kellsboro Jack was to win the Grand National in 1933, when Hobbs was 12 years old.

The family moved back to England in 1922 and by the age of 13, Hobbs had taken his first ride in public. His first winner followed at the age of 15, on Amida at Wolverhampton in March, 1936. Then, remarkably, just two years later he had won the Grand National. Battleship arrived with what might have been regarded as the celebrity connection of the day. The chaser, very small in stature at 15.2 hands, was owned by the American millionairess Marion DuPont Scott, wife of the actor Randolph Scott who that year was to appear in The Road to Reno, ironically a movie with a plot centred on horse-riding skills.

Punters took little note of the odd coupling of auspicious connections and young jockey and sent off Battleship at odds of 40 -1. Towards the painful climax of the four-and-a-half-mile race, Hobbs and his mount were intact, but engaged in a dour battle with Royal Danieli, from Ireland. Then, after a fight all the way up the long run-in, Battleship gained the verdict by a head.

Hobbs enjoyed further plaudits two weeks later when he won the Welsh Grand National, at the now-defunct Cardiff racecourse, riding Timber Wolf, but later that year broke his back in a fall that paralysed him down the left side of his body. He lay on his back in hospital for three months, and was told he would never again ride racehorses.

Undaunted, Hobbs recovered and managed to return to the saddle until called to serve during the Second World War, first with the North Somerset Yeomanry, then the Queen’s Own Yorkshire Dragoons. He served with distinction, rising to captain and being awarded the Military Cross.

Too heavy after the war to resume riding to the standard he deemed acceptable, Hobbs turned to training. He began as private trainer to John Roger-son and his wife Eileen, daughter of the diamond magnate Solly Joel, near Wantage, winning the Grand Sefton Chase at Aintree with War Risk in November 1946. As a newlywed, having married Betty Winder from Wantage, Hobbs found the going sticky when the Rogersons’ yard closed. After a spell when resources were at a low ebb, he was appointed assistant to the trainer George Beeby at Compton, Berkshire, in 1951. Two years later he joined the Queen’s trainer Cecil Boyd-Rochfort at Freemason Lodge.

By now approaching 40, Hobbs turned briefly to work as a travelling salesman for a saddlery company until his break finally came. In 1964, he gained the position as private trainer to the high-spending television magnate David Robinson and his substantial team at Carlburg Stables in Newmarket. Within a year that relationship ended, but Hobbs had his foothold. Installed into Palace House Stables, he sent out winners from there for the next 20 years.

Hotfoot,his first accomplished product, ran second in the Irish 2,000 Guineas and third in the Irish Champion Stakes. His association with the Cambanis filly Stilvi bore much fruit. She won the Duke of York and King George Stakes then, once retired, she foaled Tachyous, runner-up in the 2,000 Guineas of 1977, the champion two-year-old Tromos, then Tyrnavos and also Tolmi, a very smart two-year-old who won the Coronation Stakes at Royal Ascot the following summer.

Other important winners included Jacinth, who headed the 1972 Free Handicap. She was the first of three consecutive champion two-year-old fillies for Hobbs. In 1973 followed Melchbourne and, a year on, her half-sister Cry of Truth. Tolmi, in 1980, became a fourth champion in that category for Hobbs. Winners kept coming until 1985, when Hobbs announced his retirement. It was not long thereafter that his 41year marriage ended. He subsequently married Vicki Hibble, who had been his stable secretary for 13 years.

Bruce Robertson Hobbs, jockey and racehorse trainer: born 27 December 1920; married 1945 Betty Winder (one daughter), 1992 Vicki Hibble; died Newmarket, Suffolk 21 November 2005.