Gary Hind

Gary Edward Patrick Hind was born in Glasgow on May 24, 1968 and, the following year, his family moved to Billingham.

Gary became apprenticed to Pat Rohan and Reg Hollinshead.

His first winner was Via Vitae at Carlisle on July 24, 1987. He went on to ride a second winner that day on Rustic Track.

When he retired in 2013, he had ridden 1,500 winners covering 36 countries.

These included: 1996 Racing Post Trophy (Medaaly), Britannia Stakes twice (1990, Fox Chapel & 1996, North Son), 1994 Zetland Gold Cup (Wainwright) and the 1989 St Simon Stakes (Sesame).

July 2012, and Gary came home on holiday only to find his bungalow ruined and turned into a cannabis factory.

Gary, then 44, and his wife, Marketa, called the police after finding the locks changed and the windows blacked-out.

Inside were fertiliser, heaters, fans, temperature controls and holes knocked in ceilings for ventilation.

There was no sign of the crop or the Chinese tenants, who gave the letting agents in Newmarket, Suffolk, false names 18 months ago.

Gary, who lives in the Czech Republic, said: "It's wrecked and will have to be rewired. I don't live there, but it was my pride and joy."

Gary Hind

Big winners

1989: St Simon Stakes – Sesame

1990: Blandford Stakes (Ireland) – Sesame

1990: Britannia Stakes – Fox Chapel

1991: Carlisle Bell – Miss Sarajane

1996; Britannia Stakes – North Son

1994: Zetland Gold Cup – Wainwright

1994: John Smith’s Magnet Cup – Cezanne

1996: Britannia Stakes – North Song

1998: Old Newton Cup – Perfect Paradigm

1999: Racing Post Trophy – Medaaly