Raymond Hutchinson

Raymond Robert Hutchinson was born on February 14, 1954, the son of leading Australian jockey Ron Hutchinson.

Ray followed his father into racing in the mid-1970s. His weight prevented him from riding as a professional, so instead he took out an amateur riders’ licence and restricted himself to Flat races. He rode his first winner on Pink Palace, trained by another former top Australian jockey, Scobie Breasley, at Sandown on September 5, 1975.

He rode one other winner that season, two the next, and continued winning ways as one of the top amateurs for the next couple of seasons. Ray later trained for a brief spell.

His brother, Peter Hutchinson, rode on the Flat in Britain for a few seasons as a professional around the same time. He was stable jockey to his brother.

Both brothers eventually returned to Australia where they became associated with leading trainer Colin Hayes at Lindsay Park, at Angaston, an hour and a half’s drive north of Adelaide. Peter became the stable’s number one work rider, while Ray became one of the yard’s two resident vets.