

Kleur-gecodeerde tabel waarin de mean fluorescence intensity scores per eiwitkleuring weergegeven worden per B cel maligniteit (bron: Euroflow).

BL= B cel leukemie; CLL = chronische lymfatische leukemie; DLBCL = diffuus grootcellig B cel lymfoom; FL = folliculair lymfoom; HCL = hairy cell leukemie; LPL = lymfoplasmocytair lymfoom; MCL = mantelcel lymfoom; MZL = marginale zone lymfoom.


T-lineage antigens 

Nb CD6 is ook een T-cel marker

in LST: CD45, CD4 en smCD3
ook CD8, CD5 en TCRyd

Backbone T-CLPD: CD45, CD4 en SmCD3 (cell membrane expression)
ook CD2, CD7, CD8

NK-lineage antigens 

NK-cells have long been thought to be devoid of surface antigens and were for a time called 'nude lymphocytes'.
Most commonly used to define NK-cells; CD16 and CD56.
Overig: CD57, KIRs, CD94, CD158, CD160 en CD161