February 28, 2025
Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski, and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits – where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.
It was an unsurprising Ontario election last night. The Ford PCs cruised to a majority despite having become “conservative” in name only as the party champions all the left-wing, pro-abortion, and anti-family causes. You can read our press release about this in which we comment on the encouraging growth of alternative parties that reflect the values of life, family, and freedom.
Canada's newest Catholic Cardinal has come out strongly defending pro-life charities against government attack. Frank Cardinal Leo of Toronto penned a powerful letter to the Canadian Finance Minister expressing his "deep concern" over the Finance Committee's recent proposal to strip religious and pro-life groups of their charitable status. Bravo to Cardinal Leo!
And, speaking of Cardinal Leo, he’s also penned a letter to the Trudeau government asking it to stop “normalizing euthanasia.”
Can you believe it's been ten years since euthanasia became legal in Canada? There have been so many killings, so many evils committed against the sick and elderly. CLC's David Cooke was interviewed by Catholic News Agency about what has happened in those ten years.
Pro-life Christian grandmother Linda Gibbons remains in jail awaiting trial. Her next court appearance is March 12 in Courtroom 901 of the Ontario Court of Justice in Toronto. Please continue to pray for this heroic woman.
The Trudeau Liberals announced this week that it is investing a staggering ten million dollars to renovate the Women’s Health Clinic abortion mill in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Women’s Health Clinic kills the province’s precious preborn babies up to 16 weeks using the deadly chemical and aspiration abortion methods. What a shameful and wasteful spending of money.
The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has issued a warning letter to a Catholic school board in Ontario that it is breaching Charter Rights after it banned CLC’s Jack Fonseca from filming at a school board meeting. Jack delegated at the meeting over some pro-homosexual books in the kids’ library. He was shocked when security told him that he wasn’t allowed to film the meeting proceedings. The board clearly wants to keep its doings hidden from the public. Let’s hope this gets the board to change course.
Don’t miss the must-see video of the week which blows apart the pro-abortion argument that men should not have a say in abortion.
Finally, don’t miss my reflection at the end about an abortion mill in the Yukon that is about to lose its current space. Something strange and rather bizarre is happening at the Opal Abortion mill in Whitehorse that involves Indigenous people. Tell me what you think about my findings.
Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about
Pro-life | Abortion
Campaign Life Coalition Press Release: CLC urges Ford PCs to stop persecution of pro-life-and-family activists, end sex-ed curriculum
“This victory is an opportunity for Ford to move the province forward by overturning an unjust censorship law targeting pro-life citizens and intervening on behalf of a Christian activist who is being treated unjustly by the legal system,” said Jeff Gunnarson, CLC’s National President.
Archdiocese of Toronto: In defence of pro-life charities against government attack
"I also convey my profound concern regarding Recommendation 429: ‘No longer provide charitable status to anti-abortion organizations.’ If this recommendation were to pass, every Catholic Church and Catholic social service agency in Canada would lose its charitable status due to our 'pro-life' approach."
Pro-life Canadian Man: Liberals invest jaw-dropping $10M to renovate Winnipeg abortion mill
“The Women’s Health Clinic kills the province’s precious preborn babies up to 16 weeks using the deadly chemical and aspiration abortion methods.”
LifeSiteNews: Pro-lifer Linda Gibbons remains in jail after last week’s arrest at Toronto abortion mill
“Pro-life grandmother Linda Gibbons remains in jail following her February 13 arrest for witnessing to the unborn in front of a Toronto abortion mill.”
Juno News: Canada has become a haven for abortion providers
“Canada is gaining an unexpected reputation on the world stage—not for its stunning landscapes, abundant natural wealth, or cherished freedoms, but as a haven for abortion providers. Some American abortionists, frustrated by increasing legal protections for the unborn in their own country, are now looking north.”
Catholic Register: Pro-life study guide launched for schools
“Josie Luetke, Campaign Life’s director of education and advocacy, produced the written materials for the study guide.”
Quebec Life Coalition: UK’s Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference attendees unite around respect of life
“As pro-life individuals, we do want to create a society where life is honored and protected from the very beginning till the very end, and moving forward, ARC participants can be key in working towards our goal.”
LifeSiteNews: Pro-abortion group lobbied Trudeau gov’t to strip pro-life orgs of charitable tax status
“Why is the Federal government taking advice from an organization that promotes preborn baby-killing?”
End of Life | Euthanasia
Catholic News Agency: After 10 years of euthanasia in Canada, activists detect a shift, say much work to be done
“David Cooke, the campaign manager for the Ontario-based Campaign Life Coalition, told CNA that his group has been ‘fighting against euthanasia since we first heard proposals or suggestions of legalization in the 1990s.’ ‘Since it’s been legalized, we’ve redoubled our efforts to not get it expanded and, if possible, to get it recriminalized,’ he said. The group is working to bring about both political and cultural change, he said.”
Archdiocese of Toronto: Cardinal Leo urges Trudeau government to stop ‘normalizing euthanasia’
“Your government is normalizing euthanasia – by extension, those experiencing loneliness, isolation and depression associated with their medical condition are increasingly vulnerable to choosing euthanasia,” Leo wrote to Trudeau's Health Minister.
Male&Female | Gender Ideology
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: Ontario school board warned their ban on recording public meetings is unconstitutional
“On January 27, 2025, Jack Fonseca, a resident of the Waterloo region, attended a WCDSB public meeting, as he had many times in the past. On this occasion, when he took out his phone to take a photo, security told him he was allowed to take only one photograph and no more.”
Rebel News: Waterloo Catholic District School Board tries to hide spending on LGBTQ material
LifeSiteNews: Canadian Catholic school board’s ban on recording its meetings called ‘unconstitutional’
Juno News: Durham Catholic District School Board votes to deny delegations against flying the Pride flag
“Members of the public hoping to voice their concerns about a Catholic school board’s policy to fly the Pride flag were completely shut out of a meeting on Monday night.”
Inspiring stories to give you hope
LifeNews: Hospital Backs Down, Won’t Force Ultrasound Techs to Do Abortions
“The American Center for Law and Justice is pleased to report a significant victory for religious liberty and pro-life medical professionals.”
Unplanned: After resisting pressure to abort her twins, she now mentors single moms
“At 32 years old, Aisha took a leap of faith to leave her six-figure corporate finance job to become a full-time entrepreneur when an unplanned pregnancy wrecked her business plans.”
Live Action: Franciscan University of Steubenville opens home to support pregnant students
“Guadalupe House, ‘will provide pregnant students who are enrolled at Franciscan University a nurturing and faith-filled environment, and the practical support they need to continue their education during their pregnancy.’”
Catholic News Agency: Pro-life coalition launches $30 million Pro-Life Venture Fund to protect unborn
“A group of pro-life philanthropists in the United States has launched a $30 million Pro-Life Venture Fund to support projects aimed at making abortion ‘unavailable and unthinkable,’ according to its founder [David Bereit].”
Awesome pro-life social media posts this week
Campaign Life Coalition
Jack Fonseca
Pro-life Canadian Man
Must-see video of the week
"No uterus, no opinion." — Debunked
Take Action
Please sign our new petition to save Christian Canada. Click here.
Maureen, something strange is happening at the Opal Clinic abortion mill in Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory.
CBC reported this week the pre-born-baby killing centre may be losing its space. It is "currently embedded with the obstetrics, gynecology and sexual health clinics at the Whitehorse General Hospital. Now, both of those clinics are moving to a new location downtown. Opal says the space that's been offered to them is too small.”
I looked into the Opal Clinic online to see what kinds of services it provides.
I found something rather bizarre.
Opal goes out of its way to mention on its website that it provides “competent care” when it comes to serving specifically “Indigenous people.” No other group or racial minority is mentioned.
When some 200 unmarked graves of missing children were allegedly discovered in Kamloops, all of Canada was told to go into mourning. A Pope even visited and apologized.
Yet, how many Indigenous preborn children have been entirely erased by Opal’s “competent care” abortion services? Hundreds? Thousands?
While the Kamloops graves proved to be a misreading of ground samples, the Indigenous preborn children lost at Opal are real, and there are records for each one of them who was terminated.
Why is an abortion mill that boasts on its website about being “committed to understanding Canada’s history of colonization” also engaging in acts that wipe out Indigenous people’s offspring and, consequently, their future?
One can’t have it both ways.
One can’t be concerned about “colonization” and, at the same time, offer a service that literally obliterates Indigenous people.
Abortion promoted for racial and minority groups is colonization at best and genocide at worst.
I thought that when it comes to the Indigenous, “every child matters.” Not to Opal.
Abortion of Indigenous babies—and every baby —should be banned. And the places that commit them should be permanently shut down.
The pro-life movement in Canada exists to make this a reality.
Let’s be bold and daring for life!
Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition
Follow Pete on X: @petebaklinski